A dog ages approximately 0.1346 years (or approximately 1.6 months) every week 😲
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogyears #math
So, in dog years, i guess I'm 336 today. I think i understand why we don't give dogs birthday candles...?
So if #Sasquatch years were a thing like the (wildly inaccurate but still fun sometimes) idea of #DogYears -
How many human #years would make up a single #SasquatchYear and why?
#Cryptid #Fantasy #cryptozoology #cryptozoologist #cryptozology #BigFoot #Yeti #JustForFun #Witch #Magic #Magick #DnD #hashtag
#sasquatch #dogyears #Years #sasquatchyear #cryptid #fantasy #cryptozoology #cryptozoologist #cryptozology #bigfoot #yeti #justforfun #witch #magic #magick #dnd #hashtag
Forget multiplying by 7, new updated way to convert dog years:
from math import log as ln
human_years = 16*ln(dog_years) + 31
#DogYears #python
instead of giving up on birthday celebrations all together, start small … count every 7th one by using #DogYears