These are my two favorite pictures from yesterday’s Mammoth March MIchigan. I love doing life with my sweet bride. I’m so glad she went for a walk with me. #Hiking #DoHardThings
We did it! It tools us just over 6 hours to finish the 20 miles. Miles 15-17 I hit the wall.
But we persevered.
Miles 18-20 were easy breezy and the joy of finishing was well, overwhelming.
#mammothmarchmichigan #michigan #dohardthings #hiking
I love these new cards that FitBod is producing. I’m learning and getting stronger. #DoHardThings
If I can make this much progress with @fitbodapp, so can you. Start your own journey now with a free trial:
I was able to #read 108 #books in 2022, a personal best (there were several novellas included in there).
And here are my top reads for the year with some thoughts:
#read #books #thestoryteller #calluswhatwecarry #mybody #dearmartin #onebyone #trejo #thecartographers #ourmissinghearts #dohardthings #thehobbit #thelordoftherings #BooksofMastodon #reading
Stand, walk, live with intention.
#staydefiant #nooffdays #strength #strongereveryday #oldmanstrength #oldworldstrong #dohardthings #chopwoodcarrywater #ancestralhealth #primalhealth #grapplingstrength #integrity
#integrity #grapplingstrength #primalhealth #ancestralhealth #chopwoodcarrywater #dohardthings #oldworldstrong #oldmanstrength #strongereveryday #strength #nooffdays #staydefiant