Apparently this Mallow is seen as some as a weed but as far as I can see, this plant is totally doing it’s thing and helping the garden buzz going. #Garden #DoingItForTheBuzz
What’s this buzzer? Not seen one like this before, they look important! #Bees #Garden #DoingItForTheBuzz
#bees #garden #doingitforthebuzz
Lonicera periclymenum on the way! :pg:
Also - One of our other plants is called Helenium Puberulum - Latin for Helen's Pubes? :ogpc:
Check this little geezer out. #Gardening #DoingItForTheBuzz
Honestly, gardening is like crack cocaine for old people.
Trying to get the buzz back up since the bluebells died with some Salvias but word still to get out to the local bees. I bought them a little bee house too.
We seem lacking in worms, have begun a compost heap. Apparently you can make little worm hangouts by putting a bucket with holes drilled in the sides into the soil, then filling this with kitchen scraps. Any worm tips appreciated!
#gardening #bees #worms #doingitforthebuzz