Let's get my #introduction post done here!
Hey there, I'm SimonSays and I like all types of console games but you're mostly going to see me posting about #NintendoSwitch especially the latest physical copies I've picked up.
Currently playing through #LegendOfZeldaTOTK #TOTK (who isn't?) but I've also recently picked up #PuzzleBobbleEverywhere #WeLoveKatamari and #DokaponKingdom
Looking forward to spending time here!
#introduction #nintendoswitch #legendofzeldatotk #totk #puzzlebobbleeverywhere #welovekatamari #dokaponkingdom
I've been against the whole "AI is an evil god" thing but then I played Dokapon Kingdom again...
Idea Factory International anunció que #DokaponKingdom Connect para #NintendoSwitch tiene fecha de salida en Occidente y publicó un tráiler :3. https://bit.ly/3JM4F5L
#dokaponkingdom #nintendoswitch
Dokapon Kingdom: Connect fija su lanzamiento en occidente a principios de mayo
#Noticias #CompileHeart #DokaponKingdom:Connect #ideafactoryinternational #ReefEntertainment
#noticias #compileheart #dokaponkingdom #ideafactoryinternational #reefentertainment
Idea Factory und Entwickler Sting haben die Veröffentlichung von #DokaponKingdom: Connect für den Westen konkretisiert. Bei der Mischung aus Rollen- und Brettspiel handelt sich um ein Remaster des 2007 für Nintendo Wii veröffentlichten Dokapon Kingdom. https://jpgames.de/2023/03/die-rollen-und-brettspiel-mischung-dokapon-kingdom-connect-erscheint-im-mai/
#DokaponKingdom: Connect ist eine Mischung aus RPG- und Brettspiel. Es kann online mit anderen bestritten werden, ähnlich wie die aktuellen #MarioParty-Titel. Doch im Gegensatz zur Mario Party-Reihe wird Dokapon Kingdom: Connect einige Vorteile bieten. https://jpgames.de/2023/02/dokapon-kingdom-connect-hat-online-features-die-mario-party-fehlen/
At last, I will finally have a way to rid myself of the last of my friendships! #DokaponKingdom
The German USK has rated "Dokapon Kingdom: Connect" for Switch under the publishing arm of Reef Entertainment. #DokaponKingdom https://gamesense.co/game/dokapon-kingdom/news/discuss/dokapon-kingdom-connect-rated-for-switch-in-germany/
going live with more dokapon kingdon!
#twitch #gaming #dokaponkingdom
going live with more dokapon kingdon!
#twitch #gaming #dokaponkingdom
co op stream with @qubeslayer and out friendd JarJar. streaming Dokapon Kingdom in a few minutes.
#streaming #twitch #dokaponkingdom
co op stream with @qubeslayer and out friendd JarJar. streaming Dokapon Kingdom in a few minutes.
#streaming #twitch #dokaponkingdom
couch co-op today with @qubeslayer and our friend and myself. gonna be playing Dokapon Kingdom. come join us on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/qubeslayer
#twitch #streaming #dokaponkingdom
couch co-op today with @qubeslayer and our friend and myself. gonna be playing Dokapon Kingdom. come join us on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/qubeslayer
#twitch #streaming #dokaponkingdom