je suis demandeur d'échanges à propos de patrimoine immatériel et matériel, contes, cathédrales, gothique, saints bretons, saint Samson, François Duine, Dol-de-Bretagne, #Samson, #FrançoisDuine, #Dol-de-Bretagne
First seen: 2023/06/26 12:43:14
Min Alt: 3750 ft MSL
Min Dist: 9.61 mi
#planefence #adsb #mendip
#dol #jer #planefence #adsb #mendip
@Sapiencia ei un dia trist pera cultura dera Val d'Aran. Coneishí eth Tònho ena hèsta major de Vilamòs. Tocaue damb es Paums. 67 annades! sè massa lèu per partir. Eth mon occità te trobarà a mancar. Quèra terra te sigue leugèra #cultura #dol
「大航海時代 Online」の大型アップデート「Shipmate」本日実装。副官の強化要素を追加,陸上戦の新たな遊び方「山賊の首領」が登場
#大航海時代Online #大航海時代Online_Lost_Memories #DOL #大航海時代オンライン #歴史物
#大航海時代online #大航海時代online_lost_memories #dol #大航海時代オンライン #歴史物
Another bit that should come as no surprise to people that suffer from the greed of #Kroger grocery stores based out of #Cincinnati, the retail food giant buys produce from vendors that are heavily involved in slave #labor and human #trafficking. Others like #Walmart and #Schnucks are just as guilty in this #DOL investigation started in 2017.
#kroger #cincinnati #labor #trafficking #walmart #schnucks #dol
「大航海時代 Online」の大型アップデート「Shipmate」を6月20日に実施。副官研究ができる「副官学校」などが登場に
#大航海時代Online_Lost_Memories #大航海時代Online #DOL #ロストメモリーズ
#大航海時代online_lost_memories #大航海時代online #dol #ロストメモリーズ
Voorlopig geen registratieplicht voor kringloopwinkels #DOR #DOL
DBD: Hand Of Hate – DOL
Finnischer Darkrock/Metal Band DOL wollte sich nicht einfach zurücklehnen und zusehen, wie die Welt während der Covid-Pandemie brennt, stattdessen nutzten sie den Lockdown und die plötzliche Freizeit, um ihre zweite EP mit dem Titel "Amor Brutale" zu schreiben und diese EP wird jetzt veröffentlicht. Musik und Texte wurden nach wie vor grösstenteils vom Gitarristen
#deathbelloftheday #dol #metal #rock #video
Is Congress going to use the Congressional Review Act to expose retirement accounts to greater risks?! I support the Department of Labor’s Prudence and Loyalty in Selecting Plan Investments and Exercising Shareholder Rights rule. Retirement plans should be able to consider how the climate crisis and other risks, like unethical business practices, cd hurt retirement investments in the future. I contacted Sen Mark Kelly to oppose any attempt to overturn the rule. #GreenAmerica #DOL
Preview of text in quoted toot:
The National Labor Relations Board ruled Tuesday that employers can no longer demand laid-off employees avoid publicly disparaging the company as part of their severance agreements, nor can they stop affected employees from disclosing the terms of their exit packages.
#USPolitics #USPol #2024Election #WorkersRights #WorkerRights #DOL
#dol #workerrights #workersrights #2024Election #USpol #uspolitics
PSSI was caught illegally employing over 100 children in hazardous slaughterhouse jobs in 8 states. It paid $1.5 million in penalties after the US Department of Labor obtained a TRO and permanent injunction in federal court.
#DOL #FLSA #ChildLabor #EmploymentLaw #lawfedi #law @law @icymi_law
#dol #flsa #childlabor #employmentlaw #lawfedi #law
PSSI was caught illegally employing over 100 children in hazardous slaughterhouse jobs in 8 states. It paid $1.5 million in penalties after the US Department of Labor obtained a TRO and permanent injunction in federal court.
#DOL #FLSA #ChildLabor #EmploymentLaw
#dol #flsa #childlabor #employmentlaw
I had my military retirement physical today and was seen by a doctor who isnt my usual PCP. The young doc was interested in my long career as an SF operator, but was far more interested in my SF experience as an out gay man given the bravado & machismo of SOF. Ive been out since the end of “don’t ask, don’t tell” & have never suffered for living my authentic self, personally or professionally.
If this is what a “woke” military is about then we’re on the right path.
#DOL 🇺🇸🏳️🌈
RT Former #Hurricanes player Nesta Jade Silvera among locals looking to improve draft status at Senior Bowl, impress #Dol…
When #media write about "Corporation X now halts #PERM applications, no green card process anymore" - I get sometimes angry about such a bad understanding.
a) When doing layoffs, you cannot do PERM without proving as employer there is no one you fired in the last 6 months to be rehired for the job
b) it is not "US citizens vs foreign nationals" - it is "US worker" - US Citizen, Greencard holder or approved(!) refugee - vs new PERM applications.
#media #perm #greencard #dol #immigration
Department of Homeland Security is looking into whether 50 children illegally working for PSSI during the graveyard shift, are victims of a human trafficking scheme.
#childlabor #nebraska #minnesota #dol #dhs #pssi
Quick one for #WaterfallWednesday
Not far from where I used to live and a great place for a visit.
This is technically the bottom of the #falls, more of a #rapid I spose but hey. :)
#waterfallwednesday #falls #rapid #dol #Tywyn #gwynedd
Not that I’m bragging or anything, but as of today I’m 90-days & a wake up from military retirement.
MAR1983 seems like yesterday in such a weird way.
In the past, when ONE employer in my state and industry made a change to conditions of employment, turning the screws, ALL employers across the state made that same change at the same time.
#antitrust? #collusion? #FreeMarket?
(crickets 🦗)
#dol #ftc #freemarket #antitrust #collusion