48 years ago:
Dolemite (US)
Dolemite is a pimp who was set up by Willie Greene and the cops, who have planted drugs, stolen furs, and guns in his trunk and got him sentenced to 20 years in jail. One day, Queen B and a warden planned to get him out of Jail and get Willie Green and Mitchell busted for what they did to him.
#Dolemite #RudyRayMoore #LadyReed #WesleyGale #Film
#dolemite #rudyraymoore #ladyreed #wesleygale #film
I don't have the time for any rat soup eatin' mutha fuckas. #dolemite #rudyraymoore #muthafuckas
#dolemite #rudyraymoore #muthafuckas
Day 10 Black History Month cult film fans! Continuing with my new daily portraits of some of my favorite black cult film icons. Drew a new portrait of Rudy Ray Moore as Dolemite for today's piece!
#BlackHistoryMonth #NewArt #RudyRayMoore #Dolemite #Blaxploitation #70sMovies #CrimeThriller #ComedyMovie #70sCinema #BlackCinema #CultFilm #ActionMovies #SciFiArt #MovieArt #PopArt #Drawing #ModernArt #Art #NeoNoir #BlaxploitationMovie #TCMUnderground
#blackhistorymonth #newart #rudyraymoore #dolemite #blaxploitation #70smovies #crimethriller #comedymovie #70scinema #blackcinema #cultfilm #actionmovies #scifiart #movieart #popart #drawing #modernart #art #neonoir #blaxploitationmovie #tcmunderground
On January 20, 1977 Dolemite debuted in Mexico. Here’s some new Rudy Ray Moore art to mark the occasion!
#Dolemite #Dolemite1975 #RudyRayMoore #Blaxploitation #ComedyMovies #CultCinema #BlaxploitationMovies #FanArt #Art #Drawing #TCMUnderground #ActionMovies #Art #MovieArt #1970s #Movies #Art
#dolemite #dolemite1975 #rudyraymoore #blaxploitation #comedymovies #cultcinema #blaxploitationmovies #FanArt #art #drawing #tcmunderground #actionmovies #movieart #1970s #movies
That was a good one. When in doubt, use karate.
#TCMUnderground #TCMParty #Dolemite
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #dolemite
Great double-feature folks! Here's one last shot of tonight's new art pieces inspired by Super Fly and Dolemite!
#TCMParty #superfly1972 #dolemite #tcmunderground #drawnderground
I prefer to believe that they simply ran out of film hence the voice over ending
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #Dolemite
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #dolemite
Two scenes had to be cut to secure an R-rating for Dolemite. One was a nude scene of Dolemite and one of his many lovers, and the scene where Wilie Greeene gets disemboweled. The footage is sadly lost to history …
#TCMParty #dolemite #tcmunderground
Rat Soup Eatin' reference: DRINK!
#TCMParty #dolemite #tcmunderground
Mayor Daley’s house in Dolemite is ironically located in the same neighborhood of the actual residence of current L.A. Mayor Karen Bass.
#TCMParty #dolemite #tcmunderground
I have never wondered why Dolemite only has one name until right now.
#TCMUnderground #TCMParty #Dolemite
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #dolemite
@analgesicsleep or, However one says "Dots of the Nose" in exaggeratedly pretentious faux American in the Bush Jr. Era caricature of French!
#TCMParty #dolemite #tcmunderground
Look's like Abar, The First Black Superman's neighborhood. #TCMUnderground #TCMParty #Dolemite
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #dolemite
@analgesicsleep I'm going with "Ponts du Nez!"
#TCMParty #dolemite #tcmunderground
Only murders in that building. #TCMUnderground #TCMParty #Dolemite
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #dolemite
John Kerry auditioned for the role of Mayor Daley in the film. This is of course the John Kerry of Babylon, Getting Away with Murder and Black Dynamite fame, but if you want to imagine the former Secretary of State auditioning for a role in Dolemite, I am not going to stop you …
#TCMParty #dolemite #tcmunderground
@analgesicsleep The dummkopf.
#TCMUnderground #TCMParty #Dolemite
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #dolemite
Now that the Library of Congress finally got their s*** together with Super Fly, I’m crossing my fingers for Dolemite’s inclusion in 2023!
#TCMParty #dolemite #tcmunderground
Ah, nice! Working now! Here's my finished Dolemite art for tonight's show!
#TCMParty #dolemite #tcmunderground #drawnderground