Fedi guys, gals and enby pals! I'm looking for people wearing, interested in or otherwise fond of #altfashion like the styles shown in picture! Rave wear, techwear, mall goth, cyberpunk, urban ninja, Kingdom Hearts vibes, pants where you would store a Union Pacific engine, you get it.
If brands like #Demonia, #TrippNYC, #SwearAlternative, #AnthonyWang, #NewRock, #DollsKill, #JNCO, #YRU, #ACDCRAG, #DeadThreads ... sound familiar then you are definitely in my interest scope.
Please boost to reach more people, thank you! 🙏
#altfashion #demonia #trippnyc #swearalternative #anthonywang #newrock #dollskill #jnco #yru #acdcrag #deadthreads #alternativefashion #cyberpunk #mallgoth #techwear #altwear