It's been a productive day. Wrote up a quick piece of flash fiction, just shy of 1000 words, for a #wattpad contest. It explores how we may vacation in the future.
Check it out here:
#wattpad #amwriting #SciFi #turtlewriters #dolphinwriters
547 words today. More than I expected to get by about...547 words.
#JuneWritingChallenge #amwriting #turtlewriters #dolphinwriters
#junewritingchallenge #amwriting #turtlewriters #dolphinwriters
561 words today. Not as much as I wanted but as much as I had time for.
#junewritingchallenge #turtlewriters #dolphinwriters
The Descent, Chapter 45 is up on #wattpad
#wattpad #turtlewriters #dolphinwriters
The latest chapter of The Descent is up on #wattpad - Find out whether Denton will make it to the surface of Proxima b in time to intercept Carter.
#amwriting #turtlewriters #dolphinwriters #scifi #amwritingscifi #freebooks #wattpadbooks
#wattpad #amwriting #turtlewriters #dolphinwriters #SciFi #amwritingscifi #freebooks #wattpadbooks
Part 3 of my series on how to create a #wattpad comment archive has been posted on Wattpad. This time, how to interpret the data we've been extracting from all the comments #wattpad
#wattpad #amwriting #turtlewriters #dolphinwriters
So, in today's writing session I rewrote the same sentence 9 times, look at them together and choose the best one.
Am I doing it right?
#amediting #turtlewriters #dolphinwriters
#YoungNecromancer chapter 2 is out for everyone, exactly 7 days after my patrons! It's time to meet Astarote!
#turtlewriters #amwritingfantasy #ontheporch #DolphinWriters
#dolphinwriters #youngnecromancer #turtlewriters #amwritingfantasy #ontheporch
I'm sorry it's a little late (due to New Years' eve) but here is chapter 07 of #ASFFF. I think this might be my favourite, as I poured a lot of myself in Semanta while writing this. Please enjoy!
#turtlewriters #amwritingfantasy #DolphinWriters
#asfff #turtlewriters #amwritingfantasy #dolphinwriters