Demoted a #DomainController in a secondary domain, but lots of clients were still using it as their primary DNS. Had to reinstall DNS and transfer the DNS zone, then create a CNAME for those still using the old DC name. Need to be more aggressive with the DNS logs next time. #ActiveDirectory
#domaincontroller #activedirectory
Learned the hard lesson that Format-Table is intended for a simple display on the screen. I was generating #ActiveDirectory and #DomainController HTML reports, but the FT was not allowing ConvertTo-HTML to work. I was relying on FT to see my data every step of the way, but now I know when and when NOT to use Format-Table. #Powershell
#activedirectory #domaincontroller #powershell
Over engineered a solution a while back but caught it today. Was using Invoke-Command to run DCDiag against each #ActiveDirectory #DomainController But was getting failures on a couple of those tests (either a double hop issue or an SPN caused Replication test to fail). Using DCDiag natively with /s for each DC was the solution. Been collecting invalid results for weeks that it ended today.
#activedirectory #domaincontroller
Throw out all those black boxes and say hello to the software-defined car - Enlarge / The prototype of the Q6 e-tron is the first on the new Premiu... - #premiumplatformelectric #software-definedcar #domaincontroller #audiq6e-tron #elektrobit #cars #adas #audi
#audi #adas #cars #elektrobit #audiq6e #domaincontroller #software #premiumplatformelectric
Ars Technica: Throw out all those black boxes and say hello to the software-defined car #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #PremiumPlatformElectric #software-definedcar #domaincontroller #AudiQ6e-tron #Elektrobit #Cars #ADAS #Audi
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #premiumplatformelectric #software #domaincontroller #audiq6e #elektrobit #cars #adas #audi
Sempre più attive le cybergang di hacker. Dalla piovra all’idra: come cambiano le cybergang. Il funzionamento di una banda di hacker è cambiato radicalmente: non più un centro che comanda molti tentacoli, ma molti centri che si rigenerano e moltiplicano una volta decapitati. E i rischi per gli utenti sono molto maggiori
#Babuk #BabukRansomware #Bl00dyRansomware #ChatGpT #Cybercrime #cybergang #cybersicurezza #domaincontroller #hacker #Idra #PayloadBin #piovra
#babuk #Babukransomware #bl00dyransomware #chatgpt #cybercrime #Cybergang #cybersicurezza #domaincontroller #hacker #idra #payloadbin #piovra
#Samba als #ADDC / #ActiveDirectory #DomainController, Thema #Backup:
Ich lese gerade Meine nach wie vor offene Frage:
Die Kiste, auf der der ADDC läuft, fängt das Qualmen an. Möchte ich dann ein Online oder ein Offline Backup haben?
Online ist für "longterm replacement". Also nicht ganz verkehrt.
Offline hat noch zusätzliche Metadaten, aber ist (auch) für "forensic purposes".
"Forensic" hab ich nix am Hut, aber sind die Metadaten beim restore hier hilfreich oder unnötig?
#backup #domaincontroller #activedirectory #addc #samba
in the DC locator process, how does the workstation know which domain to use to create the initial query?
its connected domain must be stored somewhere in the registry I guess, but where?
#activedirectory #domaincontroller #domain #dclocator
Microsoft says Windows Server updates released during the November Patch Tuesday might cause domain controller freezes and restarts due to LSASS memory leaks
#Microsoft #WindowsServer #PatchTuesday #DomainController #MemoryLeak
#microsoft #windowsserver #patchtuesday #domaincontroller #memoryleak
Microsoft is rolling out fixes for problems with the #Kerberos network #authentication protocol on Windows Server after it was broken by a November 8 Patch: | #DomainController #GMSA
#kerberos #authentication #domaincontroller #gMSA
How Do I Know If My AD Environment Is Impacted By The November 8th 2022 Patch? #patchday #activedirectory #domaincontroller #microsoft
#patchday #activedirectory #domaincontroller #microsoft
Es geht nix mehr, aber du musst zur Sicherheit dennoch weitere Einstellungen vornehmen. Ich liebe Microsoft.
"You will still need to follow the guidance in these articles even after this issue is resolved."
#kerberos #kaputt #November #patchday #domaincontroller
known issues
#kerberos #kaputt #november #patchday #domaincontroller
Active Directory is critical infrastructure! #bestpractice #DNS #domaincontroller
Securing Domain Controllers Against Attack:
#bestpractice #dns #domaincontroller
APT Exploits Microsoft Zerologon Bug: Targets Japanese Companies - Threat actors mount year-long campaign of espionage, exfiltrating data, stealing credentials and i... #microsoftactivedirectory #privilegeescalation #domaincontroller #vulnerability #threatactors #government #attackers #microsoft #zerologon #zero-day #malware #exploit #cicada #china #apt
#apt #china #cicada #exploit #malware #zero #zerologon #microsoft #attackers #government #threatactors #vulnerability #domaincontroller #privilegeescalation #microsoftactivedirectory
Microsoft Warns Threat Actors Continue to Exploit Zerologon Bug - Tech giant and feds this week renewed their urge to organizations to update Active Directory domai... #cybersecurityandinfrastructuresecurityagency #departmentofhomelandsecurity #microsoftactivedirectory #privilegeescalation #domaincontroller #vulnerabilities #vulnerability #threatactors #government #attackers #microsoft #zerologon #zero-day #exploit #hacks #patch
#patch #hacks #exploit #zero #zerologon #microsoft #attackers #government #threatactors #vulnerability #vulnerabilities #domaincontroller #privilegeescalation #microsoftactivedirectory #departmentofhomelandsecurity #cybersecurityandinfrastructuresecurityagency