Promemoria per la #sicurezza #domestica.
Molte persone viaggeranno per le vacanze di #Natale, il che renderá le loro case facili da ripulire per i ladri.
Per la vostra tranquillitá, vi consiglio vivamente di lasciare uno dei vostri figli a casa per costruire una serie di elaborate trappole esplosive e difendere i vostri averi
My wife made these pear/pecan/cinnamon scones the other day. DELISH. I'm going to make some pumpkin ones soon. I made pumpkin pie yesterday and we've been snarfing it. I had pumpkin pie for breakfast this morning for the first time in my life. LOL. #food #baking #pie #domestica
So I was mounting the outside thermometer and my elbow pressed on little bullet sized crack in the kitchen window and it spider cracked in several directions. Tomorrow is trip to hardware store for some flexseal spray to get us through winter. Then I think we'll get Plexiglas cut to fit and replace it.
(This tiny old house will be used as a greenhouse when we finally can afford to get our Quonset building/home brought in). #domestica #home #oops #YooperLife #Northwoods
#domestica #home #oops #yooperlife #northwoods
So I was enjoying my game, The Surprising Adventures of Munchausen, and had an adventure of my own. I reached for my container of sunflower seeds to enjoy a snack, careful not to open it too loud, because Poppet was asleep on my lap and I keep her cat treats in those containers. I got it open, grabbed a handful, and popped them in my mouth. Guess what? Not sunflower seeds. #oops #humor #domestica #irony
#irony #oops #humor #domestica
Wanda Nara denuncia la domestica: i motivi | Gossip Blog #wanda #nara #denuncia #domestica #motivi #gossip #blog #11agosto
#11agosto #blog #gossip #motivi #domestica #denuncia #nara #wanda
Cannabis domestica, domenica gazebo informativo di +Europa #cannabis #domestica #domenica #gazebo #informativo #+europa #30giugno
#30giugno #informativo #gazebo #domenica #domestica #cannabis
Coltivazione domestica cannabis: arriva l`Ok dalla Commissione • TAG24 #coltivazione #domestica #cannabis #arriva #commissione #&bull #tag24 #21giugno
#21giugno #tag24 #commissione #Arriva #cannabis #domestica #coltivazione
Consigli per una rete domestica sicura - #consigli #rete #domestica #sicura #sicurezzanet #22maggio
#22Maggio #sicurezzanet #sicura #domestica #rete #consigli