I wrote this seven years ago. I still lived with my #abuser and he didn't get it... he still doesn't.
On #WhiteRibbonDay and in light of #hittinghome, I'd like everyone to consider the victims of abuse who don't carry any bruises. This is my open letter to the manipulators, the gaslighters, the controllers, the isolaters, and the destroyers of self worth:
I don't care if you think they're the #love of your #life, they just have to change a bit.
I don't care if you don't know how else to deal with your own insecurities.
I don't care if you don't physically hurt them.
I don't care if they "don't listen to you."
I don't care if you learnt it from your parents.
I don't care if you believe the world owes you something.
I don't care how much it is "the other person's fault."
I don't care how much respect you think you deserve.
I DO NOT CARE if you are only trying to create your idea of a #perfect life.
You DON'T DESERVE a perfect life if you need to destroy someone else's in order to get it.
You may not hit your partner, but you're still 100% the person who needs to listen to the national conversation.
You are still #100% a part of the epidemic of #DomesticeViolence in #Australia
You are still 100% on the radar of all of your victim's family and friends.
And you are still, most definitely, absolutely, 100% an abuser.
#abuser #whiteribbonday #hittinghome #love #life #perfect #domesticeviolence #australia