A fmr ldr in the #FarRight #ProudBoys was sentenced Thurs to #17years in #prison, just shy of the longest #punishment imposed on a participant in the #Jan6, 2021, #insurrection at the US Capitol.
“That day broke our tradition of #PeacefulTransferOfPower,” said US Dist Judge Timothy J. Kelly as he #sentenced #JosephBiggs, 39, of FL. “We don’t have it anymore.”
#democracy #Trump #MAGAterrorists #DomesticExtremism #WhiteSupremacy
#farright #proudboys #17years #prison #punishment #jan6 #insurrection #peacefultransferofpower #sentenced #josephbiggs #democracy #trump #magaterrorists #domesticextremism #whitesupremacy
The Far Right Is Splintering
#TheAtlantic #FarRightSplintering #StewartRhodesSentence #January6Investigation #DomesticExtremism #PoliticalPolarization #Politics #News
#theatlantic #farrightsplintering #stewartrhodessentence #january6investigation #domesticextremism #politicalpolarization #politics #news
Twitter: Tucker Carlson's stance on energy infrastructure raises concerns of Russian influence or domestic extremism. #TuckerCarlson #RussianInfluence #DomesticExtremism https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-03-08&topic=tuckercarlson
#domesticextremism #russianinfluence #tuckercarlson
#DomesticTerrorism trending. #WALeg establishes a commission within the Attorney General’s Office building upon the research and findings of the domestic terrorism study from 2022 to address “#domesticExtremism and domestic terrorism” within the state.
#domesticterrorism #waleg #domesticextremism
Veterans are valuable
Recruits for far-right groups
Kris Goldsmith wants them
#veterans #domesticextremism #haiku #poetry
#domesticextremism #poetry #veterans #haiku
@TwShiloh this is such a crucial call out. What does the #USG do when domestic #extremist groups are funded, trained, and encouraged from groups or states abroad? Or when they travel and link up with other overseas groups, or take recruiting cues from “traditional” #terrorism groups? Imagining a ven diagram merging FTOs, #statesponsored terrorism, and #domesticextremism - what do you call the groups in the overlap? Other than “uh oh…”
#domesticextremism #statesponsored #terrorism #extremist #USG
Episode 1204 - The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming
#1stamendment, #bidenadministration, #dcriots, #demoniacresistance, #domesticextremism, #domesticterrorism, #freespeech, #nullification2021, #politicalcorruption, #waronterror
#waronterror #politicalcorruption #nullification2021 #freespeech #domesticterrorism #domesticextremism #DemoniacResistance #dcriots #Bidenadministration #1stamendment