#RepublicansAreTerrorists: #DeSantis’ #white #supremacist actions and #policies helped to create an #environment where #whitesupremacy is #normalized because it’s #sanctioned by the state’s highest office.
#DomesticTerroristMovement #RacistChurchIdentity #GQP #ToxicMasculinity #VietnamWarSyndrom #MassShootings #GunCulture #ItsTheGuns #StateSanctionedViolence #2ndAmendmentPatrols
#republicansareterrorists #desantis #white #supremacist #policies #environment #whitesupremacy #normalized #sanctioned #domesticterroristmovement #racistchurchidentity #GQP #toxicmasculinity #vietnamwarsyndrom #massshootings #gunculture #itstheguns #statesanctionedviolence #2ndamendmentpatrols
Crap Sheriff- as if the #RepublicanParty isn't the #DomesticTerroristMovement from it's #2ndAmendment fluoridation of politics to Reagen's abandonment of the political process post Brown (drown in a bath tub): I want to be very clear that there’s absolutely no evidence that the shooter is part of any large group. We know that he acted completely alone.
#republicanparty #domesticterroristmovement #2ndamendment