I love ❤️ the fact that a #Republican President (#RonaldReagan ) signed the Sentencing Reform Act that eliminated the parole system in federal prisons; forcing #DomesticTerrorists involved in the #January6th #FailedCoupAttempt to serve their ENTIRE prison sentences (which are getting longer as higher-ups are sentenced)! 👉 https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/is-federal-parole-system.html
It also means that #DonaldTheDeplorable will likely DIE ☠️ in prison! ✅
#republican #ronaldreagan #domesticterrorists #January6th #failedcoupattempt #donaldthedeplorable
Periodic reminder that the “Proud Boys” have officially been identified as a terrorist group by at least Canada and New Zealand.
Also, “Christian” crowdfunding site GiveSendGo enables and defends allowing “Proud Boys” to raise and route money through its platform in at least the United States and Canada.
#FollowTheMoney #Terrorism #Terrorists #DomesticTerrorists #Fascists
#fascists #domesticterrorists #terrorists #terrorism #followthemoney
#DeSantis can’t even reduce crime in Florida, how does he expect to do it for the whole country? Multiple people were fatally shot Saturday inside a #Jacksonville, #Florida, #DollarGeneral store - https://apnews.com/article/b65ecad5f81ac8aa35121507dd4f7dcc #gunviolence #BackgroundChecks #DomesticTerrorists
#domesticterrorists #backgroundchecks #gunviolence #Dollargeneral #Florida #jacksonville #desantis
He’s right: Without their diabetes and heart meds, and without the electric scooters that a big percentage of them use, it's over within a few weeks.
#civilwar #domesticterrorists
#JeffreySabol and other #DomesticTerrorists have formed a chorus of #SobbingMAGAs 💦 inside the Washington DC jail where they’re serving their sentences for participating in the #January6th #FailedCoupAttempt.
The mother of #AshliBabbitt is among their nightly audience on the other side of the #razorwire.
Who is #AshliBabbitt ? She’s the #terrorist who perfectly completes this set ⬇️
#jeffreysabol #domesticterrorists #sobbingmagas #January6th #failedcoupattempt #ashlibabbitt #razorwire #terrorist
The MAGA Christofascist Nationalist Movement KKKrowd is of course defending wrong doing and pissed they got caught. 🤣😂
But seriously, this is the kind of rhetoric that is absolutely inviting violence and Maddock knows it. 🤬
#AshliBabbitt found her place in history. ⬇️
Where does #CraigRobertson fit in? Please boost the question and/or answer in comments.
#SaveAmerica from #DomesticTerrorists in the #MAGA cult of ignorance and death.
#ashlibabbitt #craigrobertson #saveamerica #domesticterrorists #MAGA
@realTuckFrumper Fuk these little coward #DomesticTerrorists...lock all their threatening asses up!
"Somebody" from the FBI should be at his door NOW with handcuffs to take him in!"
Wait, the SAME #CurtSchilling who was Donald' Trump's body man for decades and who knows where all the bodies are buried? The same Curt Schilling whom the #RNC was still paying 15K a mo. to keep his mouth shut? Or is this just another ex pro athlete MAGA #Terrorist for Trump?
#domesticterrorists #curtschilling #rnc #terrorist
To be clear: Stephen Miller is a bonafide white supremacist Nazi. One of the most nauseating changes in #Montana in the last 7 years is that Nazis are now welcome to speak in public, and a good chunk of the state is just fine with it.
I don’t know this place anymore, and it absolutely tears my heart out.
#whitesupremacy #nazi #domesticterrorists
#montana #whitesupremacy #nazi #domesticterrorists
#Terrorists #DomesticTerrorists #Terrorism
“Target stores in at least five states receive bomb threats over Pride items”
Let me fix that for you, TheHill -
“Target stores in at least five states receive bomb threats from far-right terrorists”
It’s not about Pride. Pride is just their latest excuse.
#terrorism #domesticterrorists #terrorists
Excellent question. I can't think of any other country in the world where government officials would be allowed to hold their jobs while fomenting insurrection and civil war. Amendment 14 exists for a reason. #ThrowThemOut #DomesticTerrorists #EnemiesForeignAndDomestic
#enemiesforeignanddomestic #domesticterrorists #throwthemout
Real military strength and leadership is not giving in to domestic terrorists & pedophiles like Matt Gaetz
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #pride #dadt #military #DomesticTerrorists #DomesticTerrorism #GQP #GOP #Republicans #AirForce #drag #DragShow #DragShows #CancelCulture #MattGaetz #GayPride #TransRights #SECDEF #LloydAustin
#lgbtqia #lgbtq #pride #dadt #military #domesticterrorists #domesticterrorism #gqp #gop #republicans #airforce #drag #dragshow #dragshows #cancelculture #mattgaetz #gaypride #transrights #secdef #lloydaustin
Stupid effin painted American flag out of old fence and stickers and flags. The Babysitters Club did it first. Fat f#cking impotent terrorists. Enticed by rape like virgins in heaven to the Taliban. I see no difference. #DomesticTerrorists #ExpelWhiteNationalists
#expelwhitenationalists #domesticterrorists
Proud Boys Found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy Over Role in Jan. 6 Insurrection
After a monthslong trial, the jury returned Thursday with a sweeping verdict
BY @7im
MAY 4, 2023
#Sedition #Conspiracy #Jan6 #AttemptedCoup #SeditiousConspiracy #Terrorism #DomesticTerrorists
#domesticterrorists #terrorism #seditiousconspiracy #attemptedcoup #JAN6 #conspiracy #sedition
The mbrs of the #farright grp #ProudBoys have been found guilty of #SeditiousConspiracy by a federal jury, that #HenryTarrio, #EthanNordean, #JoeBiggs & #ZacharyRehl had a role in planning the #January6th attack on the Capitol. They're deliberating on a 5th defendant, #DominicPezzola. But all 5 defendants have been found guilty of other charges.
#news #altright #January6thInsurrection #CapitalRiot #DomesticTerrorists #insurrection #HateGroup #Insurrectionist #militia
#militia #insurrectionist #hategroup #insurrection #domesticterrorists #capitalriot #january6thinsurrection #altright #news #dominicpezzola #January6th #zacharyrehl #joebiggs #ethannordean #henrytarrio #seditiousconspiracy #proudboys #farright
Is the #Republican party, & allies/supporters, a consortium of #domesticterrorists ?
"At their center is the rt-wing fantasy of murder'g 'the other' & getting away w/ it
fantasy factors incl urban-rural polarization & the GOP feeding their supporters a constant diet of culture-war red meat to maintain a sense of imminent threat & danger. Such catastrophism has both inspired & been inspired by a shift in how the firearms industry sells weapons." #NRA #guns #BudLight
#Budlight #guns #nra #domesticterrorists #republican