#TombTuesday ⚰
Der German Cemetery auf #Dominica. Hier wurden deutsche Seeleute bestattet.
#Fotografie #Photography #Reisen #Travel
#travel #reisen #photography #fotografie #dominica #TombTuesday
#ThickTrunkTuesday 🌳
Diesen Baum auf #Dominica kann man bequem unterwandern.
#Fotografie #Photography #Nature #Trees #TreesOfMastodon #TreesOnTuesday
#treesontuesday #treesofmastodon #trees #nature #photography #fotografie #dominica #thicktrunktuesday
@ingalls So many. The most meaningful was when I stumbled upon the amateur radio operators in the country of #Dominica -- which had just been struck by #hurricane #Maria -- they had no roofs, no power, no telephone, no Internet, no cell phone, and were asking for help. And somehow I ended up being the go-between between the amateurs on the island, and the U.S. Consulate, in order to facilitate rescue of Americans. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/09/21/552649149/in-devastated-dominica-hams-become-vital-communications-link
#ThickTrunkTuesday 🌳
Ein etwas unübersichtlicher Baum an der Nordende der Insel #Dominica.
#Fotografie #Photography #Nature #Trees #TreesOfMastodon #TreesOnTuesday
#treesontuesday #treesofmastodon #trees #nature #photography #fotografie #dominica #thicktrunktuesday
Hello there! My name is Kenny. I was born and raised on the beautiful island of #Dominica, often confused with #DominicanRepublic. I am father to 1 girl and a boy on the way.I have a passion for #videography and #photography and enjoy learning practing new #skills in those areas.
#dominica #dominicanrepublic #videography #photography #skills
I’ve had a little time to mentally digest my two-week trip to #Dominica now, so here are some thoughts:
The contrast with the US is striking. People there are all - without exception - genuinely nice and polite. Dominica is thought of as a poor country, but only because the people aren’t caught up in consumerism. They’re happy with what they have and they know what’s important. People there are generally very interested in their politics; when their prime minister speaks, everyone tunes in. 1/
Philip Hippolyte, Hotosm's Project Manager for the Caribbean explains the work the LAC Hub wants to do in the region and invites open mapping communities to join.
#Dominica #SaintLucia #Barbados #TrinidadandTobago #Jamaica #Haiti #Grenada #SaintVincent
#dominica #saintlucia #Barbados #trinidadandtobago #jamaica #haiti #grenada #saintvincent
#ThickTrunkTuesday 🌳
Blutholzbäume (Haematoxylum campechianum) am traumhaft schönen Indian River in #Dominica.
#Fotografie #Photography #Nature #Trees #TreesOfMastodon #TreesOnTuesday
#treesontuesday #treesofmastodon #trees #nature #photography #fotografie #dominica #thicktrunktuesday
More on #TropicalStormBret (Washington Post, no paywall) #cyclone #Barbados #Dominica #Martinique https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/06/21/tropical-storm-bret-caribbean-lesser-antilles/
#tropicalstormbret #cyclone #barbados #dominica #martinique
#ThickTrunkTuesday 🌳
Eine Würgefeige hat ihren Wirt voll im Griff. #Dominica.
#Fotografie #Photography #Nature #Trees #TreesOfMastodon #TreesOnTuesday
#treesontuesday #treesofmastodon #trees #nature #photography #fotografie #dominica #thicktrunktuesday
#ThickTrunkTuesday 🌳
Noch ein Baumriese am Rande des Wanderweges zu den Middleham-Falls auf #Dominica.
#Fotografie #Photography #Nature #Trees #TreesOfMastodon #TreesOnTuesday
#treesontuesday #treesofmastodon #trees #nature #photography #fotografie #dominica #thicktrunktuesday
#WaterfallWednesday #WasserfallMittwoch
Spanny Falls, #Dominica.
Ein Doppel-Wasserfall in zwei benachbarten Schluchten. Um den hier gezeigten zweiten Wasserfall zu erreichen, muß ein wenig am Seil gehangelt werden.
#Fotografie #Photography #Natur #Reisen #Travel
#travel #reisen #natur #photography #fotografie #dominica #wasserfallmittwoch #waterfallwednesday
Ein Baumriese am Rande des Wanderweges zu den Middleham-Falls auf #Dominica.
#Natur #Fotografie #Photography #Trees #TreesOfMastodon #TreesOnTuesday
#treesontuesday #treesofmastodon #trees #photography #fotografie #natur #dominica #thicktrunktuesday
Die "Club Med 2" wurde 1992 gebaut und ist neben einem Schwesterschiff das größte Motorsegelschiff der Welt.
Das Foto entstand im März 2023 vor Portsmouth, #Dominica.
#Fotografie #Photography #Reisen #Travel
#travel #reisen #photography #fotografie #dominica #schiffssamstag
#WaterfallWednesday #WasserfallMittwoch
Jacko Falls, #Dominica
Ein kleiner aber feiner Wasserfall, der zum Baden einlädt.
#Fotografie #Photography #Natur #Reisen #Travel
#travel #reisen #natur #photography #fotografie #dominica #wasserfallmittwoch #waterfallwednesday
Zum #SilentSunday ein paar Impressionen vom Indian River, einem kleinen Fluß auf der Insel #Dominica.
#Reisen #Travel #Natur #Fotografie #Photography
#photography #fotografie #natur #travel #reisen #dominica #silentsunday
Blick von der Nordküste #Dominica|s (Waitukubuli National Trail, Segment 13) auf die Îles des Saintes und Basse-Terre (#Guadeloupe).
#Natur #Fotografie #Photography
#photography #fotografie #natur #Guadeloupe #dominica #meermittwoch
#WaterfallWednesday #WasserfallMittwoch
Middleham Falls, #Dominica
Der wohl bekannteste Wasserfall der wunderschönen Insel.
#Natur #Fotografie #Photography #Reisen #Travel
#travel #reisen #photography #fotografie #natur #dominica #wasserfallmittwoch #waterfallwednesday