🇫🇷🇪🇺 Le réalisateur Dominik Moll étrille Emmanuel Macron dans un discours devant Pap Ndiaye 📰 https://www.election-politique.com/revuedepresse.php
#RevuedePresse #France #DominikMoll #ReformeDesRetraites #EmmanuelMacron #Macron #Macron20h
#revuedepresse #france #dominikmoll #reformedesretraites #emmanuelmacron #macron #macron20h
César des lycéens : Dominik Moll charge Emmanuel Macron et son gouvernement devant Pap Ndiaye
#cesardeslyceens #dominikmoll #educationnationale #macron
“The main challenge was to develop the characters and especially that of Yohan, combined with raising the subject of male violence against women without making it too theoretical or a feminist statement and more woven into the fiction." - Dominik Moll on his latest crime thriller The Night Of The 12th https://www.eyeforfilm.co.uk/feature/2023-02-08-director-dominik-moll-finds-menace-in-the-mountains-in-the-night-of-the-12th-feature-story-by-richard-mowe #GFF23 #TheNightOfThe12th #film #Cesars #DominikMoll
#gff23 #thenightofthe12th #film #cesars #dominikmoll
Le dernier-né de #DominikMoll, #LaNuitdu12 est disponible sur CinéMutins : https://www.cinemutins.com/la-nuit-du-12