In the wake of the #DominionDefamationSuit & the demise of #TuckerCarlson, #FoxNews is on the ropes & you can help knock them out if you act now.
Take advantage of this short window to stop #FoxLies #Disinformation #RightWingExtremism & #DefendDemocracy
Take action & spread the word. #NoFoxFee #DefundFox #EndFoxNews #StopFoxNews #KillFoxDead
#dominiondefamationsuit #tuckercarlson #foxnews #foxlies #disinformation #rightwingextremism #DefendDemocracy #nofoxfee #defundfox #endfoxnews #stopfoxnews #killfoxdead
In the wake of the #DominionDefamationSuit & the demise of #TuckerCarlson, #FoxNews is on the ropes & you can help knock them out if you act now. Take advantage of this short window to stop #FoxLies & #DefendDemocracy
Take action & spread the word. #DefundFox #EndFoxNews #StopFoxNews #KillFoxDead
#dominiondefamationsuit #tuckercarlson #foxnews #foxlies #DefendDemocracy #defundfox #endfoxnews #stopfoxnews #killfoxdead
WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Judge in defamation case against Fox News considers investigation into whether network improperly withheld evidence.
Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric Davis just sanctioned Fox and its parent company, Fox Corp., for withholding evidence in the Dominion defamation suit — and said he's considering further investigation and censure.
#foxnews #dominiondefamationsuit #lockhartvmedia
Forced to fund Fox News! Most decent cable packages include a Fox News subscription forcing anyone who subscribes to cable to fund this right wing propaganda program. Fox can afford to lie and defame because they rake in billions 💰from cable fees. Can we somehow use the #DominionDefamationSuit revelations to stop cable companies from forcing us to fund #foxnnews? #FauxNews #verizon #spectrum #Comcast #xfinity #mediacom #cox #DominionVsFOX #Dominion Why do cable ISPs refuse to unbundle Fox?
#dominiondefamationsuit #foxnnews #FauxNews #verizon #spectrum #Comcast #xfinity #mediacom #cox #dominionvsfox #Dominion #FOXfakeNews Fox News blacked out too much in court documents, say Dominion and media outlets
A Delaware judge this month could unseal pages of information Fox News has sought to keep confidential in the Dominion defamation suit.
#foxfakenews #dominiondefamationsuit