casey is remote · @realcaseyrollins
345 followers · 15970 posts · Server

I recently went through museum tour of sorts, and the government employee running the tour was going through American wars, and then she got to the , and I was thinking "wait, didn't we lose that one?" Yep, she went on to highlight that not only did we spend tons of money and time in , on the pretense of the , but at the end, we just withdrew because the citizens hated it, only for the war to officially end with the state choosing communism anyways.

Like this girl over here is all proud of her country n stuff but she made the state sound so sad lol

Not to mention that she completely glazed over like all the chemical warfare that we did when we were over there

#vietnamwar #vietnam #dominotheory

Last updated 1 year ago

The Gentleman in Question · @pairko
824 followers · 1062 posts · Server

"Bail me out or I burn the economy down," perhaps needs to start being treated as an act of terrorism with a return to the policy that "we don't negotiate with terrorists."

In testimony, , described a , a concern that bank failures would go "viral". Perhaps should be contained instead of coddled, like we've done to for the last 60 years.

#janetyellen #dominotheory #toobigtofail #banks #cuba

Last updated 2 years ago