A follow up: I got the #velbus starter kit. Looks great, works without any problems, but it requires windows to run #velbuslink - the configuration software. Fortunately nothing is encrypted. So far I didn't manage to run the software under #wine #domotics #homeautomation
#velbus #velbuslink #wine #domotics #homeautomation
How can a tenant implement a smart home project? #domotics
An issue has been detected in #homeassistant, update your instances to avoid any problems :-)
#homeassistant #domotics #security #homeautomation #domotique
Why would anyone need a #Smart #Blender ... ? 🤔
#domotics #IoT #InternetOfShit
#smart #blender #domotics #iot #internetofshit
Hoy vemos la detección de presencia en nuestro hogar en Home Assistant. P
or supuesto con consentimiento de los integrantes de casa... incluido el perro si hace falta.
👉 https://www.pacienciadigital.com/deteccion-de-presencia-home-assistant/
#HomeAutomation #AutomatizaciónDelHogar #SmartHome #HogarInteligente #InternetOfThings #InternetDeLasCosas #ConnectedHome #HogarConectado #HomeAssistant #AsistenteDelHogar #SmarthomeTech #TecnologíaParaHogaresInteligentes #HomeSecurity #SeguridadEnElHogar #EnergyEfficiency #EficienciaEnergética #SmartLiving #VidaInteligente #AutomatizaciónResidencial #ResidentialAutomation #Domotica #Domotics #CasaInteligente #IntelligentHouse #HomeTech #TecnologíaParaElHogar #HomeComfort #ConfortEnElHogar #HomeSolutions #SolucionesParaElHogar
#homeautomation #automatizaciondelhogar #smarthome #hogarinteligente #internetofthings #internetdelascosas #connectedhome #hogarconectado #homeassistant #asistentedelhogar #smarthometech #tecnologiaparahogaresinteligentes #homesecurity #seguridadenelhogar #energyefficiency #eficienciaenergetica #smartliving #vidainteligente #automatizacionresidencial #residentialautomation #domotica #domotics #casainteligente #intelligenthouse #hometech #tecnologiaparaelhogar #homecomfort #confortenelhogar #homesolutions #solucionesparaelhogar
Tip for following, not much, but worthwhile!
@homeassistant #domotics #automation
@Eetschrijver #food
@sebvandenbrink #animations
@potd #photography
Have a good one! Cheers!
#photography #animations #food #automation #domotics #mastodonderdag