Kikimora (pronounced Kih-kee-mora) is a female house spirit from Slavic lore who can be helpful or malevolent depending on the behavior of the homeowner. #History #Domovoi #Kikimora #SlavicFolklore
#slavicfolklore #kikimora #domovoi #History
My foray into #popculturemagic happening this year is being heavily balanced by a new dive into #slavicpaganism via the #domovoi.
I put a domovoi and kikimora idol on either side of the stove, hoping to gain their favor and bring prosperity to the home. I forgot one thing: the house is a bit dirty! So the past week or so has been a cascade of mischief and finding random money around the house while trying to keep the house cleaner than not. :blob_dizzy_face:
#domovoi #slavicpaganism #popculturemagic