Great new paper by Dominic Hodgson and Tom Jordan from #BAS.
Using #Lidar, #Radar & #AirbornePhotography data, they identify the rapid drainage and slow refilling of a ~46m subglacial lake on the #AntarcticPeninsula.
Such findings have implications for the connectivity of the surface and #Subglacial hydrological networks, and, the authors hypothesise, the thermal regime of the #Ice.
Read the #OpenAccess paper here:
#antarcticles #cryosphere #domsdailypolarpaper #openaccess #ice #subglacial #antarcticpeninsula #airbornephotography #radar #lidar #bas
#Antarctic #IceShelves are not just smooth, perfect slabs of floating #Ice, but rather contain areas of damaged ice that affect their strength and flow.
Building on previous work, Maaike Izeboud & Stef Lhermitte show how their "NeRD" method can detect different types and scales of damage (e.g. crevasse fields, large rifts, shear zones) in both SAR and optical #RemoteSensing datasets.
Read the full #OpenAccess article here:
#antarcticles #cryosphere #domsdailypolarpaper #openaccess #remotesensing #ice #IceShelves #antarctic
Direct measurements of physical properties in the #Cryosphere are often hard to come by, so I enjoyed reading this paper by Simon Oster and Mary Albert.
They measure the effective thermal conductivity (~ ability to transfer heat) of #Firn from #Antarctica, reporting values down to a depth of 48m, and showing conductivity can be well-explained as an exponential function of either density or depth.
Read the #OpenAccess article here:
#antarcticles #domsdailypolarpaper #openaccess #antarctica #firn #cryosphere
I always enjoy thinking about novel ways to combine #RemoteSensing datasets!
This new paper, led by Clément Soriot, shows that observations made by radiometers (AMSR, SMAP) strongly correlate with high-precision, #Altimetry-derived estimates of #SeaIce thickness in the #Arctic.
This technique could allow us to create a #TimeSeries of daily sea-ice thickness back to the 1980's.
Read the full #OpenAccess paper here:
#arcticles #cryosphere #domsdailypolarpaper #openaccess #timeseries #arctic #seaice #altimetry #remotesensing
Here's an interesting recent modelling study led by Brice Noël about the ability of the #Greenland #Icesheet to retain #Meltwater in the #Firn layer under different #EmissionScenarios.
They show, under #SSP5-8.5, that the amount of meltwater that can refreeze will peak as early as 2100 in SW Greenland, subsequently leading to increased surface #Runoff and accelerated #SeaLevelRise.
Read the #OpenAccess article here:
#arcticles #cryosphere #domsdailypolarpaper #openaccess #sealevelrise #runoff #ssp5 #emissionscenarios #firn #meltwater #icesheet #greenland
I spend most of my time reading about #Antarctica, but this new paper led by Pia Nielsen-Englyst at #DTU is a sobering reminder of just how much #ClimateChange is heating up the #Arctic.
Between 1982 and 2021, the surface #Temperature of the Arctic Ocean (i.e. open ocean or sea ice >58ºN) warmed by around 4.5ºC on average, and up to 10ºC (ten!) in parts of the north-eastern Barents Sea.
Read the full #OpenAccess paper here:
#cryosphere #arcticles #domsdailypolarpaper #openaccess #temperature #arctic #climatechange #dtu #antarctica