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Last updated 1 year ago

“With two I gaze upon thee, with three I bind thee: With The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Man! I shall see thee before me, more humble than Christ before Pilate.”

Rómulo Gallegos "Doña Bárbara". Part II, chapter XIII: The evil-eye and her shadow.

@bookstodon @thestorygraph

#ReadingChallenge #TheStoryGraph #romulogallegos #booktoot #Venezuela #donabarbara #oneweekonebook #iamreading #Reading #bookstodon #Books

Last updated 2 years ago

“With two I gaze upon thee, with three I bind thee: With The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Man! I shall see thee before me, more humble than Christ before Pilate.”

Rómulo Gallegos "Doña Bárbara". Parte II, chapter XIII: The evil-eye and her shadow.

@bookstodon @thestorygraph

#ReadingChallenge #TheStoryGraph #romulogallegos #booktoot #Venezuela #donabarbara #oneweekonebook #iamreading #Reading #bookstodon #Books

Last updated 2 years ago