Gizmodo: Georgia Court Website Publishes, Then Deletes, List of Charges Against Donald Trump #newyorkcivilinvestigationofthetrumporganization #indictmentsagainstdonaldtrump #donaldtrumplitigation #thetrumporganization #theassociatedpress #donaldjohntrump #stormydaniels #donaldtrump #lawcrime
#newyorkcivilinvestigationofthetrumporganization #indictmentsagainstdonaldtrump #donaldtrumplitigation #thetrumporganization #theassociatedpress #donaldjohntrump #stormydaniels #donaldtrump #lawcrime
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Trump Says He Feels 'Badly' for Mike Pence As MAGA Forums Ask God to Strike Pence Down #Jezebel #attemptstooverturnthe2020unitedstatespresidentialelection #donaldtrump2020presidentialcampaign #donaldtrump2016presidentialcampaign #mikepence2024presidentialcampaign #americanpeopleofgermandescent #theheritagefoundation #donaldjohntrump #rollingstone #donaldtrump
#jezebel #attemptstooverturnthe2020unitedstatespresidentialelection #donaldtrump2020presidentialcampaign #donaldtrump2016presidentialcampaign #mikepence2024presidentialcampaign #americanpeopleofgermandescent #theheritagefoundation #donaldjohntrump #rollingstone #donaldtrump
I’m impressed by the J6 committee's thorough investigation into #donaldtrump and exposing the felonies he committed. I hope a grand jury finds Donald John Trump guilty, especially for #insurrection. It’s a shame a former president of the United States tried overthrowing the government. #trumpcrimes #trump #DonaldJohnTrump #criminal #45fraud #biglie #DonaldTrump #loser
#donaldtrump #insurrection #trumpcrimes #trump #donaldjohntrump #criminal #45fraud #biglie #loser
I’m impressed by the J6 committee's thorough investigation into #donaldtrump and exposing the felonies he committed. I hope a grand jury finds Donald John Trump guilty, especially for indirection. It’s a shame a former president of the United States tried overthrowing the government.
#trumpcrimes #trump #DonaldJohnTrump #criminal #45fraud #biglie #DonaldTrump #loser
#donaldtrump #trumpcrimes #trump #donaldjohntrump #criminal #45fraud #biglie #loser
Check out TechXTok's he began with 1/2 BILLION from father Fred video! #TikTok #DonaldJohnTrump #Trump #Dynastic #Inheritance
#tiktok #donaldjohntrump #trump #dynastic #inheritance