0 followers · 1100 posts · Server mastodon.social

If the word knew how involved and were involved in and what i#information was released to the general public, you wouldn't be so quick to believe what you hear/read, think you see. is needed.

#donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #spritituality #discernment #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 1089 posts · Server mastodon.social

The is not only real it was engineered to do what it does. This process was created while was being engineered. In the mid 70s was given a directive to ensure controlled EVERYTHING using so he did just that. But he didn't stop at he was a , , . He sold access to using the most and the current state of the world is the result.

#inversion #darpanet #donaldrumsfeld #whitesupremacy #ai #racism #sadist #pedohphile #narcissist #supply #advanced #technology #transparency #accessibility #oversight #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 1069 posts · Server mastodon.social

The uses war in to cover sins commited by the U.S. Hiding the fact that the weaponized a , escalated against , vulnerable, and ethnic . Initaited a violent that continues to conduct a , attempted to incite a at the expense of and blamed for everything Black single moms aren't blamed for. Typical @icij @AP @hrw

#biden #administration #ukraine #45admin #pandemic #ethniccleansing #black #civilians #insurgency #coup #racewar #life #russia #donaldrumsfeld #wagthedog #theater #pandorasbox #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 1059 posts · Server mastodon.social

I don't care what anyone thinks or says, I will NEVER support war in Ukraine. I'm a Cold War operative who served under & I know intel that intel doesn't know. This is yet another war that lied us into, but this was always engineered to be WW3 no matter how much & . Instead of using , telling the or ending the they escalate. Even targeting @icij @AP @hrw

#ghwbush #donaldrumsfeld #biden #harris #lie #diplomacy #truth #ethniccleansing #black #americans #wagthedog #warcrimes #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 1045 posts · Server mastodon.social

"We go foo far" 1980 until their deaths. We are living "too far" now. @icij @hrw BOTH PARTIES complicit. @AP THE WHOLE WORLD is living the consequences of their "too far".

#ghwbush #donaldrumsfeld #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

@benb @CIA has done the same since inception. America simply lies about it! But they don't just fight war, they live among us with immunity. But people wonder what's wrong with the world. I grew up watching do it constantly. as well. Other agencies also do it. @icij @AP

#donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #foia

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

I'll say it again. hardly kept a thing from me. There are things I refused to know, so I refused details. But I know what he did. He depended on me for everything. I will not hesitate to blow any and EVERYTHING, EVERYONE out of the sky, water, earth, light it all on fire! If you harmed me or any innocent, best

#donaldrumsfeld #balancethescales #pandorasbox #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

took over in 1980 under @CIA. NOTHING, NO ONE got anywhere without his approval, control. I dare you to call me a fucking ! HE FORCED ME TO WORK FOR HIM. I KNOW ALMOST EVERYTHING HE DID! HE USED ME TO CREATE became a billionaire, create wealth for many, stole all my wealth & creations, tortured me for decades. Tried to kill me & my loved ones for talking breaking . THEY'RE ALL COMPLICIT @icij @AP @un

#donaldrumsfeld #entertainment #liar #american #culture #free #pandorasbox #unwomen #charts

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

How many artists inducted into the who made it there with the help of @CIA by stealing my work? Never paying me a penny, never giving me credit, never telling the about what happened? @icij I wasn't just a ghost writer, I was in a literal and EVERY artist knew. Some even wrote about my abuse making millions on it. If that's not predatory what is? @un @AP @un @RollingStone But I'm wrong for speaking up?

#halloffame #donaldrumsfeld #truth #slavecontract #unwomen #pandora #pandorasbox #rocknroll

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

@Independent Is Zelinsky ready to talk about those nazis Ukraine harbors? Or about sending ops to America to incite a race war that is escalating on U.S. soil against Black civilians? Or what about the of ethnic Russians in Ukraine? It's just as bad as Israeli . In other words is he going to tell the at any time in his career? Or is he going to continue to run Wag the Dog ops on behalf of ?

#ethniccleansing #donaldrumsfeld #whitesupremacy #pandorasbox #apartheid #truth

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

If I displeased him people died and he made sure I felt every ounce of the pain. THAT is how raised me. So there will be no "just move on" bullshit. The will know how he was, how American leadership covers it up, and how they STILL follow the agenda he engineered to protect and . I would LOVE to see fight for but all my life I have seen America prey. to midnight is the result.
@un @hrw @icij

#donaldrumsfeld #world #evil #deviants #extremists #america #liberty #90seconds #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

"There's nothing wrong with you think that because society conditioned you to beleive it" 1980, middle of the mandated school day. I was 5 years old in mandated kindergarten. "You're lucky, at least he's sexy" teachers told me. "I'll take him if you don't want him" I was told daily. These are the "superior, very good, great, very fine, stable geniuses" of THE WEST that #45 & protect as if they are . @icij @hrw @un Deviants create only deviance.

#pedophilia #donaldrumsfeld #46admin #gold #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

@CIA had brain implants that communicate direclty with brainwaves in the late 70s. When mil & intel talk about the general population has NO IDEA how advanced the tech is. Handing it and TRILLIONS over to people like and corps like is the precise reason is . You can't expext to create anything other than deviance. @icij @hrw

#darpanet #EnergyWeapons #donaldrumsfeld #elonmusk #rand #civilization #devolving #deviants #tranparency #accountability #oversight #unwomen #unitednations

Last updated 2 years ago

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was completely insane yet he was one of the world's most powerful people BECAUSE he was so predatory. He believed I was his "karmic ex-wife" from previous lifetimes and therefore had a right to do as he pleased. He also believed that be could drag me to hell with him upon death so that he didn't have to face separation. He controlled, abused, trafficked me all my . Before be died he tried REPEATEDLY to kill me. NO ONE CARES STILL runs his ops @icij @hrw

#donaldrumsfeld #molested #life #america

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

@npr I can relate. @CIA redacted my education before I could even receive the credentials. in hand. For decades I have tried to fight it. For decades I have been ignored and suffer financially. My entire life is redacted. In 1998 a U.S. supreme court ruling said these activities are illegal and forced CIA to return credentials. I have yet to receive mine. No one cares. @icij @hrw Do you think this would happen if I were a white man?

#donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #darpa #unwomen #secdef #secstate

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

@newrepublic I was there with one of classified paramilitary units. He deployed himself which was rare. Those were some of the worst conditions I have seen in decades of service. If THE WEST cared ANYTHING about life or liberty, they would have avoided this war at all cost. At the VERY least they would scale it back right now. Instead and are escalating . Western leadership cares for nothing but money, domination, supremacy

#donaldrumsfeld #joebiden #kamalaharris #globally #white #pandorasbox

Last updated 2 years ago

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@ken It has been for decades, and the defense contractors he helped create have done it at the highest classified levels since the industry began. For the first time the general population is starting to grasp the imapactvof what they have been doing with tax dollars outside of public consumption. DR and GHW made their living from it since 1980.


Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

@riskmap What about Biden is "rational"? Are we supposed to forget that he is a sexual predator? That he coddles insurgents? That he is arming, funding, propagandizing nazis as heroes? The he escalates state violence rather than suppressing it? That he follows strategies of war, domination, predation, tradecraft? That he lied us into a war for profit just like DR did with every conflict since Vietnam? That he ignores and refuses to secure The Homeland?

#donaldrumsfeld #ethniccleansing #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

@tiago He did far more damage than that! @CIA topples governments all over the planet then scapegoats victims. This has gone on since it's creation. Considering they were created with actual WW2 nazis imported from Operation Paperclip, it's not difficult to understand why the world is as it is. What is difficult to swallow is that people like maintain it. and told me in 1980 CIA was created for illegal activity, that hasn't changed. @icij @hrw.

#kamalaharris #donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago