After #ChrisChristie wins the #NewHampshire primary to determine the #Republican presidential nominee in the #2024election , and #NikkiHaley wins the #IowaCaucus , none of #DonaldTheDeplorable ‘s campaign team will have the courage to tell him he’s toast!
#PrimaryFromTheCenter to 🌊 💩 👉 🚽.
#chrischristie #newhampshire #republican #2024election #nikkihaley #iowacaucus #donaldthedeplorable #primaryfromthecenter
@davidpmaurer #DonaldTheDeplorable continues to get free press for a pure and simple reason: Rubber-necking during #SlowMovingCoup attempts. 🤷🏻♂️
#donaldthedeplorable #slowmovingcoup
@PatrickoftheG Counter-counterpoint: It depends on the man. For example, #Nazis dispensed with Wilhelm II, the last German Emperor and King of Prussia only to be reduced to rubble a generation later. 🤷🏻♂️
#DonaldTheDeplorable wants to be a King, only an idiot would give him that opportunity!
The #Idiocracy that is the #MAGA cult is reaching new levels of inanity every week. Instead of debating other presidential candidates in the #RepublicanParty , #DonaldTheDeplorable wants to debate #PrinceHarry and #MeghanMarkle because “they treated #QueenElizabeth with great disrespect”! Unlike #DapperDon #Trump , the #HamberderKing ! 😂 ⬇️
#JoeBiden nailed it; the Trumpified #GOP is a “#ClownCarousel “! 🤡🎪
#idiocracy #MAGA #republicanparty #donaldthedeplorable #princeharry #meghanmarkle #queenelizabeth #dapperdon #trump #hamberderking #JoeBiden #gop #clowncarousel
@ricketson Doesn’t matter. The point is just to keep #DonaldTheDeplorable OFF the general election ballot!
The strategic #PrimaryFromTheCenter vote is for the leading non-fascist in the #RepublicanParty primary in *your* state.
#14thAmendment lawsuits should simultaneously be pursued in as many states as possible.
#donaldthedeplorable #primaryfromthecenter #republicanparty #14thamendment
#NewYorkTimes opinion columnist #CharlesBlow says “#DignifiedSilence doesn’t work with #Trump !”, and almost loses his cool on #MorningJoe.
Do you know what WILL work in stopping #DonaldTheDeplorable from “suspending the #Constitution” and turning the USA 🇺🇸 into a dictatorship? #MATH !
The math is simple folks: Democrats and Independents can join sane Republicans to #PrimaryFromTheCenter to 🗳️ 💩 👉 🚽 BEFORE the #2024election on November 5th!
Also invoke the #14thAmendment as a #PlanB. ✅
#newyorktimes #charlesblow #dignifiedsilence #trump #morningjoe #donaldthedeplorable #constitution #math #primaryfromthecenter #2024election #14thamendment #planb
#JoeBiden is a #CommanderInChief who went into a #WarZone to defend democracy.
#DonaldTheDeplorable led a #FailedCoupAttempt after #TrumpLost the #2020election.
The difference between the 45th and 46th #POTUS could not be more stark, as this early campaign ad in the #2024election makes crystal clear!
#JoeBiden #commanderinchief #Warzone #donaldthedeplorable #failedcoupattempt #trumplost #2020election #potus #2024election
I love ❤️ the fact that a #Republican President (#RonaldReagan ) signed the Sentencing Reform Act that eliminated the parole system in federal prisons; forcing #DomesticTerrorists involved in the #January6th #FailedCoupAttempt to serve their ENTIRE prison sentences (which are getting longer as higher-ups are sentenced)! 👉
It also means that #DonaldTheDeplorable will likely DIE ☠️ in prison! ✅
#republican #ronaldreagan #domesticterrorists #January6th #failedcoupattempt #donaldthedeplorable
#BananaRepublicans are starting to ‘eat their own’. #DonaldTheDeplorable blamed his son #EricTrump for the #TrumpOrganization ‘s legal jeopardy in #NewYork , and #NancyMace blamed election losses on her party leaders being “assholes” to women with lethal #AbortionLaws. 🤷🏻♂️
To mark the occasion, @Wikipedia notes that the Marmaduke-Walker duel between Confederate Generals occurred on this day in 1863! 😂
#bananarepublicans #donaldthedeplorable #erictrump #trumporganization #NewYork #nancymace #abortionlaws
“I must destroy the #RepublicanParty in order to save it.” - #DonaldTheDeplorable 🤷🏻♂️
#republicanparty #donaldthedeplorable
If you doubt that the #MAGA mob would’ve hanged #MikePence after #DonaldTheDeplorable instigated them to be HIS retribution in a tweet on what is now know as the #Xitter , then you don’t know history at all. 🤷🏻♂️ 👉
#SaveAmerica from #MobMentality and #CultKillings. #Histodons
#MAGA #mikepence #donaldthedeplorable #xitter #saveamerica #mobmentality #cultkillings #histodons
.@Wikipedia reminds us that today is the birthday of #AlanDershowitz , the one-time #Harvard Superlawyer for the super-guilty, such as OJ ‘the Juice’ Simpson and #DonaldTheDeplorable Trump. 🎂
‘Dersch’ is also known as #CaptainUnderpants 🩲 on the #birdsite.
#alandershowitz #harvard #donaldthedeplorable #captainunderpants #birdsite
#Georgia Governor #BrianKemp throws #DonaldTheDeplorable under the bus 🚌- again.
#georgia #briankemp #donaldthedeplorable
And I'm sure you'll never guess where #ColtonMoore is from! (He's the state Senator threatening to start a #CivilWar if District Attorneys continue to hold #DonaldTheDeplorable accountable for his crimes ⬇️.)
Yup. He's from #NorthwestGeorgia , too! Just like the #UltraMAGA members of Congress #BarryLoudermilk and #MarjorieTaylorGreene. Time to #SaveAmerica and ask the question again; Where are they being radicalized?
#coltonmoore #civilwar #donaldthedeplorable #northwestgeorgia #ultramaga #barryloudermilk #marjorietaylorgreene #saveamerica
To welcome the #NewYear on January 1st #2024 in #NewYorkCity ‘s #TimesSquare , revelers should count down the #91felonies of #DonaldTheDeplorable ! 😂
#NewYear #newyorkcity #timessquare #91felonies #donaldthedeplorable
It looks like #DonaldTheDeplorable has a ‘Date with Destiny’ on #SuperTuesday Eve next year! 👉
Democrats, Independents and sane Republicans can join up and #PrimaryFromTheCenter *early* in the #GOP primaries, so that by #SuperTuesday #Trump won’t have to worry about campaigning and his calendar 🗓️ will be wide open!
#donaldthedeplorable #supertuesday #primaryfromthecenter #gop #trump
#TyCobb compared #DonaldTheDeplorable ‘s scowling #MugShot to that of a #Batman villain! 😂
#tycobb #donaldthedeplorable #mugshot #batman
@flexghost Yes, you’re right. I was stupid in 2016. I donated to and voted for #BernieSanders in the Democratic primary, while encouraging my #Republican friends to vote for #DonaldTheDeplorable in the #Republican primary. Thinking he would be easier to beat than a smarter Bush than George. Boy was I dumb!
Of course my vote for #HillaryClinton in the general election was a total waste in #Tennessee. Live, think, and learn. You should try it! #MATH
#berniesanders #republican #donaldthedeplorable #hillaryclinton #tennessee #math
#DonaldTheDeplorable ‘s #MugShot taken tonight during his arrest on #RICO charges in #FultonCounty , #Georgia.
#donaldthedeplorable #mugshot #rico #fultoncounty #georgia
#DonaldTheDeplorable ’s ‘#OJ moment’ is precisely why #PrinceAndrew will never again set foot in the USA 🇺🇸. 🤷🏻♂️
#donaldthedeplorable #oj #princeandrew