47) When #DonalTrump overtly courted the #ProudBoys during the 2016 Presidential Debates
#donaltrump #proudboys #politics #farright
#MAGA GOB Internet Racketeering Cowboys and Proud Boys
Idiots for #DonalTrump
Genius Billionaire Businessman
🤣 Just another day 🌀 for the Know Nothing Genius Billionaire Businessman and the (Gyrase) Spin Doctors 🧬 of Trump Towers
#MAGA Ladders of RFLP Patterns and Stains on the #MAGA Trump Jr Hammer and Underwear Ads
and the Punxsutawney Phil AntiFa
Idiots For Trump ⛳
Idiots For Trump Ice Cream
If you come after me
We are coming after YOU
37) Increasingly #Election2024 is shaping up as a #Joebiden vs #DonalTrump rematch
The #NYT has new polling information on #Biden which shows his numbers improving from tepid levels last year
If #Bidenomics continues to yield improved economic data, he is going to be a hard man to beat despite dissatisfaction and ambivalence over his age
The election will be decided my independents who are increasingly disaffected by #Trump and his legal woes
🔑 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/01/us/politics/biden-trump-poll.html
#Election2024 #joebiden #donaltrump #nyt #biden #bidenomics #trump #politics
🇺🇸 Les avocats de Trump informés qu'ils doivent s'attendre à une inculpation 📰 https://www.election-politique.com/revuedepresse.php
#RevuedePresse #Politique #International #USA #DonalTrump #procès
#revuedepresse #politique #international #usa #donaltrump #proces
Journalist: "Trump is essentially acting *invisibly* in this #courtroom."
Trump is not #invisible. They just did not allow #cameras in the court. Everyone who is in there can see him. He hasn't turned into a #ghost.
The court's staff is still there. There's still a #stenographer. There might be #sketch artists. (I don't know.)
Can journalists speak any more melodramatically?
#courtroom #invisible #cameras #ghost #stenographer #sketch #donaltrump #melodrama
🇺🇸 Procès civil pour viol | La vidéo de la déposition de Donald Trump rendue publique 📰 https://www.election-politique.com/revuedepresse.php
#RevuedePresse #politique #international #USA #DonalTrump #procès
#revuedepresse #politique #international #usa #donaltrump #proces
🇮🇷🇺🇸 Téhéran : L’Iran cherche à «tuer» Donald Trump pour venger la mort d’un général 📰 http://urlr.me/q6GP5
#revuedepresse #iran #usa #donaltrump
Und so jemand ( #rondesantis ) könnte eventuell wenn #donaltrump über all seine Prozesse stolpert und fällt, der nächste #uspräsident werden 😕
Hoffentlich schafft #Biden die Wiederwahl!
#biden #usprasident #donaltrump #rondesantis
6) https://overcast.fm/+lMhNoPAxI/16:52
With the election of #KevinMcCarthy as #speaker, how should the #GOP legislate?
We asked @Tedsmyth for his opinion along with what to expect from #DonalTrump and #RonDeSantis
Listen at the link 👆
#kevinmccarthy #speaker #gop #donaltrump #rondesantis #GlobalIrishNation #uspolitics
6) https://overcast.fm/+lMhNoPAxI/16:52
With election of #KevinMcCarthy as #speaker, how should the #GOP legislate?
We asked @Tedsmyth for his opinion along with what to expect from #DonalTrump and #RonDeSantis
Listen at the link 👆
#kevinmccarthy #speaker #gop #donaltrump #rondesantis #GlobalIrishNation #uspolitics
#ElonMusk ist zum Finalspiel der #Weltmeisterschaft nach #Katar gereist. Dort traf er sich mit #JaredKushner, dem Schwiegersohn von #DonalTrump. Kushner erhielt 2 Mrd. Dollar Spenden eines saudischen Investment Funds unter der Hand des Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman. Salmans Bruder - Botschafter der Saudis in den USA - lockte 2018 Jamal Khashoggi in die saudische Botschaft in Istanbul, in welcher dieser ermordet wurde. #Twitters zweitgrößter Anteilshaber ist Neffe des saudischen Königs & Prinz.
#twitters #donaltrump #JaredKushner #katar #Weltmeisterschaft #elonmusk
Erst gestern wurde ich der Story über #FaisalKawusi gewahr. Und fragte mich: Habe ich verpasst, wie der Empörungsbewirtschaftungsbullshit von #DonalTrump nach gewissen "Medien" nun auch in der Unterhaltung, auf #YouTube und eigentlich überall voll durchschlägt?
Ist das jetzt wirklich das neue Normal, dass Leute für Geld und Einfluss in eine immer noch tiefere Schublade greifen? Was kommt als Nächstes? Judenwitze?
Meine Angst: Unbegrenzte #Meinungsfreiheit wird zum Sargnagel für ihre Garantin.
#faisalkawusi #donaltrump #youtube #meinungsfreiheit
I’ve been thinking about how to react to this. It is sad whenever an innocent person is almost harmed.
With that said, there are so many people that are threatened or that have been killed because of words from people like #elonmusk or #donaltrump. Colorado Springs LGBTQ community, Jan-6, #nancypelosi ‘s husband (conspiracy floated by #musk). There are unhinged people out there and when you are a person of influence, your words matter. He could have gotten his own kid killed or himself.
#elonmusk #donaltrump #nancypelosi #musk
#unitedstatesofamerica #americanbeauty #americanmade #americafirst #america #northamerica #usamade #usatravel #usatoday #usa #usbeauty #unitedstates #northamericantour #northamericatravel #americandream #americanhistory #copiedandreposted #donaltrump #trump #donald #Maga #nature
#unitedstatesofamerica #americanbeauty #americanmade #americafirst #america #northamerica #usamade #usatravel #usatoday #usa #usbeauty #unitedstates #northamericantour #northamericatravel #americandream #americanhistory #copiedandreposted #donaltrump #trump #donald #MAGA #nature
#unitedstatesofamerica #americanbeauty #americanmade #americafirst #america #northamerica #usamade #usatravel #usatoday #usa #usbeauty #unitedstates #northamericantour #northamericatravel #americandream #americanhistory #copiedandreposted #donaltrump #trump #donald #maga
#unitedstatesofamerica #americanbeauty #americanmade #americafirst #america #northamerica #usamade #usatravel #usatoday #usa #usbeauty #unitedstates #northamericantour #northamericatravel #americandream #americanhistory #copiedandreposted #donaltrump #trump #donald #MAGA