David Ano · @DavidAnoArtist
47 followers · 64 posts · Server artisan.chat

I gave blood to today! Please donate too. The need for donors right now is critical. The blood supply has dropped 20% over the last two months.

friends, the has just adopted new guidelines that will change who is eligible to !

By giving blood, 15-30 minutes of your time you can save up to three people's lives! Find a blood drive near you at redcrossblood.org/give.html/fi

#RedCross #lgbtq #donateblood #donatebloodsavelife #donatebloodandsavelives #givebloodsavelife #giveblood

Last updated 1 year ago

David Ano · @DavidAno
129 followers · 439 posts · Server a2mi.social

I gave blood to today! Please donate too. The need for donors right now is critical. The blood supply has dropped 20% over the last two months.

friends, the has just adopted new guidelines that will change who is eligible to

By giving blood, 15-30 minutes of your time you can save up to three people's lives! Find a blood drive near you at redcrossblood.org/give.html/fi

#giveblood #givebloodsavelife #donatebloodandsavelives #donatebloodsavelife #donateblood #lgbtq #redcross

Last updated 1 year ago