Just #donated $100 to Greenfleet because Single O Coffee are doubling all donations up to $45k before midnight tonight. https://greenfleet-eofy-2023-matched-campaign.raisely.com/
We have some amazing news, the software developer Cloudron who's software we use to help run and maintain our Mastodon servers and some other servers we use for services, has donated a license to our charity. One less cost for our charity to worry about. Thank you Cloudron.
#merseyhubgroupcic #mastodon #donated #license
We have some amazing news, the software developer Cloudron who's software we use to help run and maintain our Mastodon servers and some other servers we use for services, has donated a license to our charity. One less cost for our charity to worry about. Thank you Cloudron.
#merseyhubgroupcic #mastodon #donated #license
We have some amazing news, the software developer Cloudron who's software we use to help run and maintain our Mastodon servers and some other servers we use for services, has donated a license to our charity. One less cost for our charity to worry about. Thank you Cloudron.
#merseyhubgroupcic #mastodon #donated #license
A #NewBrunswick #BusinessOwner who was one of the largest #FinancialDonors to the #FreedomConvoy has been named as a #defendant in a #ClassAction #lawsuit against the convoy organizers.
#BradHowland - who lives in #KarsNB & owns #EasyKleenPressureSystemsLtd based in #SussexCorner #donated $75,000 to the Freedom Convoy that paralyzed downtown #Ottawa last winter.
#GoToJail #Canada #legal #SendHimToJail #SeizeHisAssets #Freedumb #Fascists #consequences #FAFO
#newbrunswick #businessowner #financialdonors #freedomconvoy #defendant #classaction #lawsuit #bradhowland #karsnb #easykleenpressuresystemsltd #sussexcorner #donated #ottawa #gotojail #canada #legal #sendhimtojail #seizehisassets #freedumb #fascists #consequences #FAFO
#Donated #aphereris again. The #RedCross is where it's at!
#donated #aphereris #redcross #platelets #plasma
I just #donated to them, after checking news stories to verify they're legit. They sure are (see link at bottom). Those poor #doggos. So glad they have a chance now to be #happyDoggos.
#EndDogFighting #rescueDogs #rescuedDogs #dogRescue
#dogFighting #dogFightingRing #dogFightingRings #animalAbuse #dogAbuse #protectDogs #donate
#Michigan #DetroitMI #DetroitArea #DetroitMetro #NationalAnimalResponseUnit
#DogsOfMastodon @dogsofmastodon@a.gup.pe @dogsofmastodon@botsin.space
To find out more and/or to #donate to help these #dogs:
https://www.barknation.org/thefree133 #BarkNation
One of many news stories about this:
https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/133-dogs-rescued-from-suspected-dogfighting-operation-in-detroit/ via @Cbsnews #CBSnews
#donated #doggos #happydoggos #enddogfighting #rescuedogs #rescueddogs #dogrescue #dogfighting #dogfightingring #dogfightingrings #animalabuse #dogabuse #protectdogs #michigan #detroitmi #detroitarea #detroitmetro #nationalanimalresponseunit #dogsofmastodon #donate #Dogs #barknation #cbsnews
@brianhough This is crazy. I grew up in Salem, NH. I hope your uncle heals up quickly. #donated
Just #donated some funds to support of this #instance - have you? https://ko-fi.com/mastodonappuk
I #donated to the NhRP because nonhuman beings deserve to live freely. Help the NhRP advance the cause of #NonhumanRights! #giving #donate #animalrights https://www.nonhumanrights.org/donate/
#donated #nonhumanrights #giving #donate #animalrights
If you are looking to #donateMoney to #helpHomelessPets or #shelterPets or #rescuePets, this is one of many organizations that could use the money. This one has a #matchingOffer thru #NewYearsEve. But they only get the match if they meet the $75k goal. They're getting close. I just #donated here.
https://bluemountainhumane.org/quick-gifts #BMHS #BlueMountainHumaneSociety
#WallaWalla #WallaWallaWA
Checking these to see if they're related:
@bluemountain @bluemountains
#donatemoney #helphomelesspets #shelterpets #rescuepets #matchingoffer #newyearseve #donated #bmhs #bluemountainhumanesociety #wallawalla #wallawallawa #dogsofmastodon #CatsOfMastodon
#HomeDepot's 93-year-old #cofounder who said '#nobody #works' anymore because of '#socialism' has #donated $64 million to #elect #Trump and the #Republican #party over the years
#homedepot #cofounder #nobody #works #socialism #donated #elect #trump #republican #party
#BREAKING #NEWS : #Human Rights #Foundation has #donated $325,000 to fund #Bitcoin #development and #projects
#breaking #news #human #foundation #donated #bitcoin #development #projects
"In June Mike Dank & Naveen Albert started #PhilTel — a phone collective that would convert old #donated #Payphones into free working phones using coinless #circuitboards rewired to connect through the #internet. #Libraries, #artspaces, #soupkitchens, #communitycenters — I can think of lots of #publicplaces that would #benefit, Dank said." https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2022/12/16/philadelphia-free-pay-phones-dank/
#philtel #donated #PayPhones #circuitboards #internet #libraries #artspaces #soupkitchens #communitycenters #publicplaces #benefit
In other news, I donated to Mastodon and my instance yesterday.
It's worth it not to see any promoted posts or adverts.
@marcelias I've #donated to @democracydocket #DemocracyDocket, but I was curious about the disclaimer at the end. Why is it not a tax-deductible donation?
I have to say I’m enjoying #Mastodon -- it is vibrant and full of fascinating people. I will stick around 😊. The #decentralized system, the ability to create themed lists, the reply function rather than the quote (sting), and the CWs are all smart innovations. I find the content warnings to be respectful—whether that’s to avoid triggering, or simply for issues (like the birdsite) that are a drag for some. I have cancelled my #TwitterBlue subscription and #donated to my Mastodon server. 👍
#donated #twitterblue #decentralized #mastodon
So far, he has #donated $100 million to each of Van Jones, José Andrés, and Dolly Parton as part of his #CourageAndCivilityAward for them to distribute to the #nonprofit / #nonprofits (#ngo, #501c3, etc.) of their choice.
#donated #CourageAndCivilityAward #nonprofit #nonprofits #ngo #501c3