71 years ago:
Don Camillo (FR,IT)
In a village of the Po valley where the earth is hard and life miserly, the priest and the communist mayor are always fighting to be the head of the community. If in secret, they admired and liked each other, politics still divided them as it is dividing the country. And when the mayor wants his "Pe...
#DonCamillo #Fernandel #VeraTalchi #FrancoInterlenghi #MariaRosada #ClassicMovies
#doncamillo #fernandel #veratalchi #francointerlenghi #mariarosada #classicmovies
Ever noticed, that "Giuseppe Petacchi" – the name of the treacherous #NATO pilot corrupted by #SPECTRE in Ian Fleming's #JamesBond novel "Thunderball" (1961) – sounds quite similar to "Giuseppe Bottazzi" (aka Peppone), the #communist antagonist of Giovanni Guareschi's "#DonCamillo" (1948)?
#NATO #spectre #jamesbond #communist #doncamillo
"Alle Don Camillo-Klassiker in BR Fernsehen und Mediathek"
Fünf zeitlose Gute-Laune-Klassiker auf einen Schlag - ein echtes Highlight! 😍
Besonderes Schmankerl: es gibt zum Teil die restaurierte Fassung UND die originale Kinofassung.
Die Filme sind nur bis Ende November online verfügbar, also zack, zack die Leitungen glühen lassen!
Il cinema in trincea: la Grande Guerra in sala https://radiovanloon.info/2018/11/05/grande-guerra-cinema-gaudenzi/ #Primaguerramondiale #MarioMonicelli #Grandeguerra #patriottismo #anniversari #DonCamillo #2018-19 #censura #Peppone #cinema #Int
#primaguerramondiale #mariomonicelli #grandeguerra #patriottismo #anniversari #doncamillo #censura #peppone #cinema #int
La nuova guerra civile europea https://www.carmillaonline.com/2018/05/03/la-nuova-guerra-civile-europea/ #Notre-Dame-des-Landes #guerracivilespagnola #processodiNorimberga #ConvenzionediParigi #conflittodiclasse #ilmovimentoreale #gasinabilitanti #operazioneCésar #Parlamentarismo #EmmanuelMacron #antifascismo #ForzaItalia #Berlusconi #DonCamillo #Strasburgo #Brescello #Netanyahu #nonmarché #Togliatti #ValdiSusa #Bataclan #fascismo #Hollande #KarlMarx #5Stelle #Erdogan #Francia #Peppone #bocage
#notre #guerracivilespagnola #processodinorimberga #convenzionediparigi #conflittodiclasse #ilmovimentoreale #gasinabilitanti #operazionecésar #parlamentarismo #emmanuelmacron #antifascismo #forzaitalia #berlusconi #doncamillo #strasburgo #brescello #netanyahu #nonmarché #togliatti #valdisusa #bataclan #fascismo #hollande #karlmarx #5stelle #erdogan #francia #peppone #bocage