40 years ago today, Don Felder released his debut solo album, Airborne (1983). #DonFelder #80s #80smusic #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #80smusic #80s #donfelder
@SecularJeffrey Coincidentally, I watched that movie last night! It's one of my favs. Hanover Fist was actually a real Canadian metal band from Toronto in the 80s!
#HeavyMetal #Loc-Nar #Den #Sternn #Gloria #Taarna #BlackSabbath #BlueOysterCult #SammyHagar #DonFelder #CheapTrick #Devo #Journey #Nazareth #Riggs #StevieNicks #80sMovies #80sMusic
#80smusic #80smovies #stevienicks #riggs #nazareth #journey #devo #CheapTrick #donfelder #sammyhagar #blueoystercult #blacksabbath #taarna #gloria #sternn #den #loc #heavymetal
DON FELDER On The Unlikely Success Of EAGLES Mega-Hit "Hotel California" - "It's Just The Absolute Wrong Format For AM Radio"; Video
In the video below from AXS TV, Don Felder - formerly of the Eagles - talks about how the mega-hit song "Hotel California" came to be, why he was initially nervous about selecting the song as a single, how the Hotel...
#DonFelder #Eagles #HotelCalifornia #MusicHistory #AMRadioFormat #UnexpectedSuccess
#themetaldogarticlelist #bravewords #donfelder #eagles #hotelcalifornia #musichistory #amradioformat #unexpectedsuccess
In der #arte #Mediathek gibt es einen wundervollen #Dokumentarfilm über die #Eagles aus dem Jahr 2012 mit dem leider schon verstorbenen #GlenFrey, mit #DonHenley #JoeWalsh #TimothyBSchmit #DonFelder und mit #JoeJackson und anderen Weggefährten dieser genialen Band.
#Musik #1970 #Rock #CountryRock #Country
#arte #mediathek #Dokumentarfilm #eagles #glenfrey #donhenley #joewalsh #timothybschmit #donfelder #joejackson #musik #rock #countryrock #Country