The simplest matters won't come straight,
For once I wooed a maid named Meg
And very nearly married Kate;
My life is like a scrambled egg.
#HashtagGames #badpoems #donmarquis
Twas an elderly mother spider
Grown gaunt and fierce and gray
With her little ones crouched beside her
Who wept as she sang this lay
Curses on these here swatters
What kills off all the flies
For me and my little daughters
Unless we eats we dies
#badpoems #HashtagGames #donmarquis
@Debnumbers A hashtagged introduction post will help folks with similar interests find you, an extension of your profile. #feralCats, #music and #libraries make me think of #RosalieSorrels and #DonMarquis.
And you can use the same hashtags to search for people with similar interests. I have found several #ukulele and #banjo players that way.
#feralCats #music #rosaliesorrels #donmarquis #ukulele #banjo #libraries
and before i could argue him
out of his philosophy
he went and immolated himself
on a patent cigar lighter
i do not agree with him
myself i would rather have
half the happiness and twice
the longevity
but at the same time i wish
there was something i wanted
as badly as he wanted to fry himself
- the lesson of the moth
don marquis
#poetry #freeverse #donmarquis
Here's a little something from archy the cockroach in August 1919. While yes, there is context about food, I think the "i do / not want to start all / over again" is particularly apt today if folks are, well, doing just that.
(For info on Archy and Mehitabel: )
#APoemADay #APoemADayFromDeemikay #DonMarquis #ArchyAndMehitabel #poetry
#poetry #archyandmehitabel #donmarquis #apoemadayfromdeemikay #apoemaday