It's well past time for another Don Martin Sound Effect!!! Your effect for this indeterminate time period is: SPLOYDOING!
See you next time, whenever that is!
#comics #cartoon #donmartin #humor
once again imagining cartoonist #DonMartin illustrating some of #BobWeir's tone/chord choices from the '80s/'90s. THWAAAANG! WPBZUUM! BWWOOEWOO! #deadfreaksunite
#donmartin #bobweir #deadfreaksunite
From a Mad Magazine themed drink and draw on 25 Jan 2023.
#alfreeenewman #donmartin #sergioaragones #MastoArt
On this day, January 6, 2000: Don Martin, Mad Magazine’s “Maddest Artist,” passed away due to complications from cancer. He was 68.
Today’s book club: “Mad Magazine” (of course) and Don’s separate books, “Adventures of Captain Klutz,” “Don Martin Steps Out,” and “Don Martin Bounces Back.”
Today’s album covers:
MAD - Der Weiße Hai (1976)
Die Ausgabe der deutschen MAD aus dem März 1976 (das amerikanische Original stammte aus dem Dezember 1975, weshalb sich in der Ausgabe noch Weihnachtscomics finden).
#mad #madmagazine #madmagazin #alfredeneumann #alfredeneuman #alt #sammlung #retro #70er #1976 #derweißehai #hai #meer #märchen #aschenputtel #humor #satire #kult #film #schwimmen #witzig #donmartin #deutsch #herbertfeuerstein
#mad #madmagazine #madmagazin #alfredeneumann #alfredeneuman #alt #sammlung #retro #70er #derweißehai #hai #meer #marchen #aschenputtel #humor #satire #kult #film #schwimmen #witzig #donmartin #deutsch #herbertfeuerstein
My dog and I are happy to present, after hours of often contemptuous debate, “The Single Greatest Summer-Themed #MadMagazine Cover in the History of Reality”!
Crazy, right?
But it’s true!
#lagniappe — #DonMartin gives us “The Single Greatest #ComicsCode Compliant #SFX.”
Tbh, it’s quite amazing to have both in one post.
#madmagazine #lagniappe #donmartin #comicscode #sfx #comics #mad #crazy #cracked
"Complicating [ #JustinTrudeau 's] ability to constructive governance is how his campaign strained national unity with attacks on premiers, stoked fear and loathing of those choosing not to vaccinate or rebelling against lockdowns and whipped up antagonism against those who hesitate to embrace his progressive policies. So a snowy walk toward retirement in late 2022 or early 2023 is in play, even though he clearly wanted to cap his career with a majority win"