@cphon check out the dope #Donny #bass line #DonnyBenet #NegroniSummer https://youtu.be/RwnH6KT-naw
#negronisummer #donnybenet #bass #donny
Damn, is #DonnyBenet good.
I’m a big fan of Donny Benét.
#studio #smooth #music #donnybenet
I'm sure Voyager will do a great job representing Australia at Eurovision, but Australia always seems to make the same mistake each year. There is only one person who can *win* Eurovision for Australia - one man who has the suave good looks, the smooth vocals and funky basslines to take it home: Mr Donny Benet. Let's not make the same mistake next year. #DonnyBenet #MrExperience #DonnyBenetForEurovision
#donnybenet #mrexperience #donnybenetforeurovision
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Donny Benét:
🎵 Love Online
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #donnybenet
Guten Morgen... 🥱
Zum Frühstück ein wahrlich ekstatisches Stück Musik... So schmierig wie der Käse auf meinem Brötchen, dampfend wie der gute Ceylon in der Tasse... Was auch immer die Australier im Wasser haben, ich will was davon abhaben 😄
Donny Benet & Kirin J. Callinan - The Edge
#DonnyBenet #KirinJCallinan #Retro #Electropop #ElectronicMusic #Musik #Music #Morgenekstase
#donnybenet #kirinjcallinan #retro #electropop #electronicmusic #musik #music #morgenekstase
Filling an apparently shocking gap on Mastodon; this is probably the only official #DonnyBenét video SFW. But you won't regret going down the rabbit hole.
Australian bass player and synth connoisseur. Underrated actor.
#SynthPop #Retrowave #Instrumental #SynthFunk #TMOElectronic
#donnybenet #synthpop #retrowave #instrumental #synthfunk #tmoelectronic