Whenever a #DonorConceived person is critical of the infertility industry, or donor anonymity, or some aspect of the fucked up way they were created, there's always some moustache twirling yahoo in the comments like, "Ergo, you wish that you never existed! I am very smart!"
#DonorConceived people refer to 6-8 wks post xmas as #SiblingSeason, because of all the DNA testing kits given as gifts. If someone you know is in for a surprise, tell them now before ancestry dot com does. #fertility #infertility #spermdonor #donorconception
#donorconceived #siblingseason #fertility #infertility #spermdonor #donorconception
Forgot to mention in the historic CO bill was a battle on the “donation”number. We pushed for 10, still too many, but there was push back not just from the industry, but politicos, and the compromise was…25. 25? How many 25 member sibling families do you know? #donorconceived
There’s a joke/not joke within the DCP community that dog breeders have more regulation than human breeders/the fertility industry.
It’s common for DCP to have 20, 50, sometimes 100 siblings that may or may not know their bio origins; which is fucked and can lead to possible situations like accidental rhymes with “infest.” (#ourfather).
And then a story like this drops.
RT @Turi__King@twitter.com
Not long now! If you're donor-conceived and would like to trace genetic relatives, @W2W_media@twitter.com are looking for people to take part in a new documentary. See flyer below 👇@DonorConceived@twitter.com @dc_alliance_ca@twitter.com @dccsupport@twitter.com @Donorconceived1@twitter.com
#DonorConceived #DonorConception
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Turi__King/status/1597994662958362625
#donorconceived #donorconception
RT @ogdonortracing@twitter.com
Hi! We're a @BritishAcademy_@twitter.com funded research project based @Uni_of_Essex@twitter.com. The project, 'Off Grid' Donor Identity Disclosure, asks "what happens when people trace their egg/sperm/embryo donor through social media or genetic testing?"
Now recruiting interviewees!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ogdonortracing/status/1586335799422767104
An introduction: Journalism & editing pay the bills but my ❤️ is in fiction & CNF. I created an online pub, Severancemag.com about #familysecrets and #DNAsurprises. I use social media to discover & discuss #writing #cnf #essays #memoir #fiction, to connect with #adoptees #NPEs #MPEs & #donorconceived people & to learn about #italian language/culture, #ItalianAmerican literature, #neurodiversity & #adhd. #introduction
#familysecrets #dnasurprises #writing #cnf #essays #memoir #fiction #adoptees #npes #mpes #donorconceived #italian #italianamerican #neurodiversity #adhd #introduction
Met 2 DC sibs in Des Moines. They are wonderful. What a wild ride. #donorconceived
Had the big DCP reveal with the médico today. We have a good relationship and he was very cool and empathetic. “Heavy shit.” His words. #donorconceived
Dope pod. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/message-in-a-bottle-with-kaleigh-karnal/id1599333077?i=1000552802947 #donorconceived
An end to anonymous gamete profiteering and the corruption in the fertility industry protecting everyone except the life coming out of it all. No gov or bills will solve it, but some bills with basic regulations are finally moving through states like NY, Oregon, and Iowa. Decades too late. #donorconceived #donordeceived
#donorconceived #donordeceived
Quality support group #dccsupport #donorconceived https://linktr.ee/dccsupport