Heard about Our Father from comedian Laura High.
Cline is either a narcissist and/or sociopath.
The most disturbing part isn’t that he knew what he was doing and all the risks. It’s that it is not a crime in most of the U. S. Tell your lawmakers to pass the Fertility Fraud Legislation
#law #netflix #donorconception #documentary
#law #netflix #donorconception #documentary
#DonorConceived people refer to 6-8 wks post xmas as #SiblingSeason, because of all the DNA testing kits given as gifts. If someone you know is in for a surprise, tell them now before ancestry dot com does. #fertility #infertility #spermdonor #donorconception
#donorconceived #siblingseason #fertility #infertility #spermdonor #donorconception
RT @Turi__King@twitter.com
Not long now! If you're donor-conceived and would like to trace genetic relatives, @W2W_media@twitter.com are looking for people to take part in a new documentary. See flyer below 👇@DonorConceived@twitter.com @dc_alliance_ca@twitter.com @dccsupport@twitter.com @Donorconceived1@twitter.com
#DonorConceived #DonorConception
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Turi__King/status/1597994662958362625
#donorconceived #donorconception
There’s a fashy eugenics angle to old-school #donorconception, so being #dcbipoc #bipocdcp means we’re essentially Menghele’s nightmare. 👻
#donorconception #dcbipoc #bipocdcp