"Doctor! Michigan is flatlining!"

"Does Michigan have a DNR?"

"Er... yes."

"Well, there's nothing we can do then."

#donotresuscitate #michigan #dnr #misreadheadlines

Last updated 1 year ago

Stuart D Neilson · @StuartDNeilson
107 followers · 404 posts · Server mastodon.social

"Antonia Stowell was diagnosed with suspected pneumonia while living in [a care] home. End-of-life drugs were then prescribed and ordered by medical professionals."
She did not have mental capacity to consent, and her family were not consulted.

It is a cruel world where different lives have different values, and arbitrary circumstances kill less-valued people.


#dnr #donotresuscitate #euthanasia

Last updated 2 years ago

Shaun · @anarchautist
159 followers · 89 posts · Server aus.social

Many disabled people deemed “futile” have been documented recovering if lucky enough to be moved to other hospitals. Disabled people are also denied organs in most states and can have Do Not Resuscitate () orders placed on them without consent: disabilityrightswa.org/wp-cont

In October 2021, , a 19-year-old with Down Syndrome, was admitted to a hospital with covid-19. During the hour the hospital sent her sister home to shower, she was strapped down, coded as DNR over her & her family’s objections, and given three contraindicated medications that resulted in her death. Nurses refused the family’s pleas to help Grace and instead utilised an armed guard to keep them from helping Grace themselves: wsau.com/2022/04/07/wisconsin-

#us #dnr #graceschara #wisconsin #medicalableism #donotresuscitate #donotresuscitateorders #COVID19 #covid

Last updated 2 years ago