I feel like my #sleepaid and my #alertnessaid are having a tug-of-war for my consciousness, winner take all. #DoNotWant
#sleepaid #alertnessaid #donotwant
I was just joke-complaining to B that there are Halloween things out for sale already.
Then, today I saw the Christmas stuff!
Longview commercial fire spreads smoke across SW Washington, making for unhealthy air in Clark County:
I fell down an internet rabbit hole about people having bugs crawl into their ears and I will never sleep again.
#Nightmares #Horror #DoNotWant
#donotwant #horror #nightmares
@EthanHolmes My experience with shingles in my mid 20s was not "long chicken pox". 1) Super painful - felt like someone was hammering nails into my skin. 2) Some long lasting (but thankfully not permanent) neurological effects.
@Elizabeth_Fitz Forecast here is for *checks* 34(C) today, and it's already over 30. ;_; #DoNotWant #TheDayStarHatesesMeAndIHateItBack
#donotwant #thedaystarhatesesmeandihateitback
Berry and citrus flavored coffee is an abomination to mankind.