Cando pensas que unha canción non pode desprender mellor humor, chegan #TheBaseballs e fan a súa versión.
#thebaseballs #dontWorryBeHappy #mood #rockabilly
I used to love this song. Simpler times.
Watch "Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy (Official Music Video)" on YouTube
#music #bobbymcferrin #dontWorryBeHappy
🎶 Don’t Worry Be Happy 🎶 was inspired by Three Amigos! and is sung in what is supposed to be a Mexican accent 😬
#onehitwonders #dontworrybehappy
#dontWorryBeHappy #onehitwonders
I think this is my new inspiration!
#LetTheSunShine #DontWorryBeHappy #Smile
#smile #dontWorryBeHappy #letthesunshine
@spla Potser sí que serà un bon president... autonomista. 😅
P.D.: perdoneu, no me n'he pogut estar. Que no s'enfadi ningú.😉