A TikTok ban would be unconstitutional and the legislation could open the doors for even more violations of free speech. You can write your lawmakers and take action here: http://dontbantiktok.com
#DontBanTikTok #RESTRICTact
A ban on TikTok is not a win for data privacy, it's a threat to a democratic Internet. ❤️Fight's 🐦evan_greer explains why for The Take from 🐦AJEnglish #DontBanTikTok #RestrictAct https://www.aljazeera.com/podcasts/2023/3/31/is-the-us-going-to-ban-tiktok
It's becoming increasingly obvious that the #USCongress has ZERO idea of what #TikTok is about and doesn't even understand technology. They're up to flat earther level conspiracies with the app. #KeepTikTok #DontBanTikTok #TikTokIsAwesome #TikTokIsNOTStealingData
#uscongress #tiktok #keeptiktok #dontbantiktok #tiktokisawesome #tiktokisnotstealingdata
Yep. #DontBanTikTok. Pass a freakin data privacy law
QT Tech_Oversight: This is your 🐦tiktok_us hearing reminder that ALL Big Tech platforms sell our data, threaten national security, and endanger children.
@Google 🐦Apple 🐦Meta 🐦Amazon 🐦TikTok_US are ALL to blame.
Creators are taking to TikTok to express frustration at Congress and concerns about how a ban would affect their livelihoods, future elections, and free expression in the US. Our petition, a collection of creator's videos, and more info at http://dontbantiktok.com #DontBanTikTok
Sign the petition and tell Congress to focus on data privacy, not restricting free expression #DontBanTiktok http://dontbantiktok.com
"Every day that lawmakers waste hand wringing about TikTok is another day that we don't have a national privacy law in the United States." -@evan_greer #DontBanTiktok https://www.businessinsider.com/tiktok-ban-us-china-tech-war-distraction-data-privacy-experts-2023-2
El grupo de defensa de los derechos digitales @fightfortheftr lanza #DontBanTikTok:
👉 Abogan por 'desarrollar estándares de privacidad integrales y garantizar la competencia en lugar de la prohibición una app con olor bastante fuerte de xenofobia'.
❤️ Fight’s 🐦sarahephilips explains why the push to ban TikTok in the United States is not about protecting digital privacy. Sign the petition and tell Congress #DontBanTikTok http://dontbantiktok.com
TikTok bans distract from wider privacy concerns, says digital rights advocate
A recent piece of legislation put forward in the U.S. is meant to ban the use of TikTok nationwide. And a digital rights advocacy group calls the move a distraction from wider privacy issues — launching the #DontBanTikTok campaign in opposition of the bill.
I have lots of #privacy concerns about #TikTok but banning it is not the answer https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/03/02/resistance-tiktok-ban-is-growing-washington/ #DontBanTikTok
#privacy #tiktok #dontbantiktok