Everbody is different, everybody is special. Rest easy beautiful flower. #RememberHanaKimura #FlowersForHana #Cyberbullying #DontBeABully
#rememberhanakimura #flowersforhana #cyberbullying #dontbeabully
RT @shaylariane
If you’re wondering what this government thinks of parents and caregivers and students and workers, this was shared on Facebook as John Jordan’s staff’s response to a school council reaching out. @fordnation @Sflecce @osbcucscso #DontBeABully #onted #onpoli #YGK
#ygk #onpoli #onted #dontbeabully
RT @BrandonAmyot
The Canadian Union of Postal Workers Local 47 in the Toronto area has announced they will not cross picket lines. #IStandWithCUPE #39kIsNotEnough #DontBeABully #OntEd #GeneralStrikeON
#istandwithcupe #39kisnotenough #dontbeabully #onted #generalstrikeon
Did a loop this morning with my CUPE colleagues before I headed to work.
RT @CUPEOntario@twitter.com
Workers showed the Ford Conservatives that power is growing today and that we won’t sit by silently while our right to fair and free collective bargaining is steamrolled by bully tactics.