Hello dear friends. This is fediverse.
Undesired comments with constructive critisism are welcome.
But if your opinion was not specifically asked for and you don't have anything positive to say:
you can switch off your device and go for a walk or do whatever it is that makes you tick.
If upsetting people is what makes you tick, consider yourself blocked with no questions asked.
Because we are not the droids you are looking for.
#fedietiquette #twittermigration #newbie #dontbeadick
I swear to goodness, if I see folks scolding or tsk tsking newer folks from #Twitter #TwitterMigration about some rules that don’t exist, I am going to just block them. #dontbeadick.
#dontbeadick #twittermigration #Twitter
Texas Governor #gregabbott tussling with Florida Governor #rondesantis. Trying to see who can be the bigger #Schmuck. #diversity #diversityandinclusion #dontbeadick #DEI
#DEI #dontbeadick #diversityandinclusion #diversity #Schmuck #rondesantis #gregabbott
Texas Governor #gregabbott tussling with Florida Governor #rondesantis. Trying to see who can be the bigger #Schmuck. #diversity #diversityandinclusion #dontbeadick #DEI
#DEI #dontbeadick #diversityandinclusion #diversity #Schmuck #rondesantis #gregabbott
My #weed #etiquette #tip : use your words and don't be a dick.
Just ask. Say, I'm new, I appreciate guidance! Or, just offer. If you have expectations, share them openly.
And typically a new person or group is offered guidance, or even detailed instructions, by the person(s) they are joining.
So use your words.
And don't be a dick, dude. Be kind, open, accepting, understanding, group minded, I dunno how many descriptions we need to explain don't be a dick well enough.
#weed #etiquette #tip #dontbeadick
I like to live by a simple motto - “just don’t be a Dick”. Not aiming this at anyone, just generally if everyone took this upon themselves, be less of a dick, then the world would be a better place. #dontBeADick
If you are a white zoom person willingly "butchering people's names" in 2023 you are not doing it right.
#sounditout #googleit #ask #dontbeadick
There are bad drivers, and then there are ignorant drivers - both are dangerous and deadly.
#turnonyourlights #dontbeadick #justdoit #daytimerunninglightsatnight #stupidautodrivers #phantomvehicles
#phantomvehicles #stupidautodrivers #daytimerunninglightsatnight #justdoit #dontbeadick #turnonyourlights
You do not go after and blast someone who has been luckier or who puts in the work more than you. Whether they're a streamer or some other small business owner. Because that's what streamers are. If you think they have it so damn easy as to succeed in their field then YOU GO DO IT.
My niece is barely drinking legal and she has a house. It's small but it's hers. My younger brother hasn't hit 30 yet and he's got a nice little house too. I'm jealous as hell and wondering WTF but damn good for both of them.
You don't harass people who succeeded by the efforts of their own struggle and work. Silver spoon rich? Yeah, have at it. Kardashians? Yes, please. Regular people who actually make it past the poverty line. GTFOH!
#streamers #influenceurs #dontbeadick #dontkickdown
Just a thought: if you don't want people to drive like total dicks, maybe just don't build #oversized dick #cars? 🙄
#SUV #BanSUVs #TooLargeCars #SmallDickEnergy #DontBeADick #TryNotToBeACunt
#oversized #cars #suv #bansuvs #toolargecars #smalldickenergy #dontbeadick #trynottobeacunt
There have been many multi-victim shootings in the last 3 days... Over 10 reported by news
I would love to claim holy certainty and blame the gun
But I can't
There is always an idiot that pulls the trigger
We need to rid the world of these idiots
Please focus on the real problem
#mentalhealth #socialstanding #paytheworkingclass #dontbeadick
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a biblical concept spoken by Jesus in Luke 6:31 and Matthew 7:12; it is commonly referred to as the "Golden Rule." "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 7:12).Apr 23, 2021
#goldenrule #dontbeadick #jesus
If someone tells you they are allergic to something, the appropriate response is NOT “omg I’d die without it!” or “omg how do you live!?” You know what’s worse than having the allergy? People’s completely rude and thoughtless replies/reactions once they learn of your allergy. ALL. THE. TIME. #allergy #allergies #health #people #rude #dontbeadick #ignorance #irritating
#allergy #allergies #health #people #rude #dontbeadick #ignorance #irritating
The data didn't change, you just stopped looking. #WearAMask #WashYourHands #DontBeADick
#WearAMask #washyourhands #dontbeadick
I've always had very mixed feelings about the entire Bull/cuckold thing. In the Swing Scene and other places, it seems like it's just reducing a minority into an object.
The bull is a thing. Not a person, but a thing to be feared because it can serve as an object in someone else's power fantasy. It has no agency. It has no opinion. It just shows up, performs its' role, and leaves. Life goes back to normal, and that thing leaves your life until you have use of it again.
Kind of fucked up, right?
It's a recurring theme in a lot of cuck play. I realize there's a lot of fantasy behind it, but for many, your fantasy is specific to a certain ethnicity (almost always a group that's considered from a "lesser class"). What does that say about you? About how you view the world?
If you're okay with this as a fantasy you hold on to, how do you view regular people of that socio/ethnic group?
#cuckold #powergames #importantquestion #kink #kinkresponsibly #dontbeadick
#cuckold #powergames #importantquestion #kink #kinkresponsibly #dontbeadick
'#AVeryColdWarChristmas' - A #LateShow #Animated #HolidayClassic
"It's #ChristmasEve, and after #VladimirPutin demands Ukraine for Christmas, Santa must defend the North Pole against a #RussianInvasion."
#Christmas #Russia #Ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #UkraneRussiaWar #WarInEurope #NorthPole #TheNorthPole #Putin #Santa #SantaClaus #TheLateShow #StephenColbert #DontBeADick
#dontbeadick #stephencolbert #thelateshow #santaclaus #santa #putin #thenorthpole #northpole #WarInEurope #ukranerussiawar #russiaukrainewar #ukraine #russia #christmas #russianinvasion #vladimirputin #ChristmasEve #holidayclassic #animated #lateshow #averycoldwarchristmas
PSA: spare a thought for retail workers today. I’ve worked retail on #ChristmasEve before. Worst job experience I’ve ever had #IrishMastodon #DontBeADick
#christmaseve #irishmastodon #dontbeadick