The #TOGs (Thursday Old Geezers) were back at it today despite the frigid temps (24˚F with a wind chill of 14˚F to finish the stairs by the Interpretive Center at #OxleyNatureCenter. The median age of the group is 70, and they were out there working extremely hard to get the trail open again. We finishing the landscaping and setup of the stairs by the Interpretive Center. That involved moving 2 cubic yards of river gravel - with wheel barrow since the little tractor could not drive up the slope (it tried, but bogged down, getting stuck in the damp soil), moving and installing 2 railroad ties, and leveling the trails. The remaining tasks are to install decorative risers and seal/wax the railing. An early shot and the current setup. Next tasks are to make the bypass ADA accessible, then on to more stair replacement My profound thanks to John, Glen, Tom, and Bobby for all their hard work.
#togs #oxleynaturecenter #volunteer #environmentalstewardship #giveback #dontbelikeabillionaireoligarch #service