@vowe D‘oh, I unintentionally interpreted the #dontbreakthechain as you have closed the rings almost 3000 times in a row 😂
Anyway, still a very impressive number!
(I‘m at comparatively low ~410…)
Also still got no Covid et al (at least as we know), but with children in primary school it’s hard to avoid becoming sick…
69 days to 3000 #dontbreakthechain
June was a good month. I did not break the chain, which sometimes happens when I am not paying enough attention, and I also met the challenge of burning 771 kcals for 14 days. I am over 400 weeks of not breaking the Move chain (600 kcals) and 69 days from now I will have closed my rings for 3000 days.
I hope you are still with me. vowe recommends Apple Watch.
#dontbreakthechain #apple #applewatch
Und wieder am Blog geschrieben. Freue mich sehr auf den nächsten Podcast. #Murmeltier #Writing #DontBreakTheChain
#murmeltier #writing #dontbreakthechain
Weder Abenteurer noch Poser
Ich bin immer noch total happy mit einer ganz normalen Apple Watch in Alu. Kein Bling, kein Klotz. Aber jeden Tag alle Ringe schließen. 2840 Tage.
Aber was ich dringend haben wollte, wäre ein Continuous Glucose Monitor. Aus Gründen.
#applewatch #dontbreakthechain
#amwriting #DontBreakTheChain
Day 8
Part 1-2
Words: 500
Total words: 3990
tired and dealing with an irritation yesterday meant no words... which I feel justified about considering I ended up having to go to urgent care this morning. thankfully cleared up by the afternoon with mild pain and meds for aftercare, but back to work now.
#amwriting #DontBreakTheChain
Day 6
Part 1-2
Words: 568
Total words: 3490
technically late for the "day" (it's 12:25am pacific), but what counts is getting in before I get to bed.
#amwriting #DontBreakTheChain
Day 5
Part 1-2
Words: 513
Total words: 2922
it is a monster mash!
it is a graveyard smash!
and our MC's about to splash!
'cause this monster's gonna gash!
Day 4
Part 1-1 (complete)
Words: 688
Total words: 2409
amusingly, if this is how things will go later, this might not be a long one. the chronological beginning should only take a month, and I don't anticipate that much longer for the rest.
Day 3
Part 1-1
Words: 558
Total words: 1721
our creatures have begun the attack, physically and magically, and I still feel comfortable with some spoilers. but rest assured our protag will be having some ptsd by the end of this section.
Day 2
Part 1-1
Words: 577
Total words: 1163
introductions to the MC (main character) and an important side piece done, now to slowly move towards our ship getting into a storm.
it isn't going to fair very well for the ship.
Day 1
Part 1-1
Words: 586
Total words: 586
this is a writing upkeep thing I've done in the past called "don't break the chain". it's based off jerry seinfeld's method of writing jokes: you write something down, you mark off the day, keep marking every day and don't break the chain.
currently starting a weird sea-monster horror WIP that's done in semi-anachronic order. working on the book in chronological order to keep my facts straight, but yeah, should be fun.
Vor einer Woche leider vom grippalen Infekt unterbrochen worden. Aber es geht weiter. #dontbreakthechain
Heute spät gestartet. Deshalb musste ich abkürzen. Heute Abend dann noch mal. #dontbreakthechain