Exactly ~ I'm also amazed that people pay money for such animal cruelty and watch something like this.
#DontBuyATicket #DontRideElephant
#dontbuyaticket #dontrideelephant
RT @Dolphin_Project@twitter.com
Information has surfaced that 24 bottlenose dolphins were sent to SeaWorld Abu Dhabi on Oct 23, 2022. The dolphins all came from locations in the US- SeaWorld San Diego, SeaWorld San Antonio, SeaWorld Orlando & Discovery Cove (per Ceta Base).
#DontBuyATicket #DolphinProject
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Dolphin_Project/status/1600098219782189056
#dolphinproject #dontbuyaticket
RT @Dolphin_Project@twitter.com
Please share this letter far and wide, and help educate on the cruelty of dolphin captivity: https://bit.ly/3hxdEwn
#SayNoToTheDolphinShow #DontBuyATicket #DolphinProject
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Dolphin_Project/status/1603435657979912192
#dolphinproject #dontbuyaticket #saynotothedolphinshow
Dolphins are sentient beings who form families and help each other.
They dont deserve to be eaten or kept in small tanks for 30 years till they die.