David White · @Verysingle
2 followers · 5 posts · Server super-gay.co

I am so tired of . I am to this thing and people expect me to learn the on the first day. Didn't their mommies ever teach them AT ALL when they were growing up? If they're mean to me, I can be just as and as they are!

#rudepeople #verynew #mastodon #socialmediaplatform #patience #callous #vile #peoplearesorude #dontcrossme #gobacktoelementaryschool

Last updated 2 years ago

DaveM · @DaveMW
3 followers · 58 posts · Server mastodon.world

I am so tired of . I am to this thing and people expect me to learn the on the first day. Didn't their mommies ever teach them AT ALL when they were growing up? If they're mean to me, I can be just as and to them as they are to me!

#rudepeople #verynew #mastodon #SocialMediaPlatform #patience #callous #Vile #peoplearesorude #dontcrossme #gobacktoelementaryschool #aneyeforaneye

Last updated 2 years ago