I am so tired of #rudepeople. I am #verynew to this #Mastodon thing and people expect me to learn the #socialmediaplatform on the first day. Didn't their mommies ever teach them #patience AT ALL when they were growing up? If they're mean to me, I can be just as #callous and #vile as they are! #PeopleAreSoRude #DontCrossMe #GoBackToElementarySchool
#rudepeople #verynew #mastodon #socialmediaplatform #patience #callous #vile #peoplearesorude #dontcrossme #gobacktoelementaryschool
I am so tired of #rudepeople. I am #verynew to this #Mastodon thing and people expect me to learn the #socialmediaplatform on the first day. Didn't their mommies ever teach them #patience AT ALL when they were growing up? If they're mean to me, I can be just as #callous and #vile to them as they are to me! #PeopleAreSoRude #DontCrossMe #GoBackToElementarySchool #AnEyeForAnEye
#rudepeople #verynew #mastodon #SocialMediaPlatform #patience #callous #Vile #peoplearesorude #dontcrossme #gobacktoelementaryschool #aneyeforaneye