Good morning, ! Tea is steaming.

Another day begins
Burning poop slides out my ass
Oh how wonderful

-4Β° πŸ¦†πŸ¦ƒπŸ”πŸ“

Why are 🍊🀑 and his πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί-financed insurrectionist cohorts not yet in custody? Who's the 3rd world shithole now?


Fuck you, πŸš€boy. Fuck you, CNN.

Today's agenda: TBD. I may be spending a lot of time here (-4Β°) today.

#hephalumpworld #haiku #senryu #17syllables #poultrycoroner #incarceratedonaldtrump #DomesticTerrorists #dontdometh

Last updated 1 year ago

Don't do meth.

#twopicturestory #dontdometh

Last updated 2 years ago