Plus le temps passe, plus ma timeline sur #x "pour vous" se remplit d'influenceurs macronistes.
X est d'extrême droite, et les macronistes s'y sentent totalement à l'aise (et je réponds un peu trop souvent à leurs conneries, il faut l'admettre... #dontfeedthetrolls ).
@Snowden hai provato a pensare che, se tu non gli avessi dato spazio qui, sul tuo profilo - che pure seguo con interesse, al pari di altre persone con una sensibilità e un orientamento affine - quell'avvoltoio sarebbe rimasto nell'unico posto che merita, ovvero l'oblio? Il peggior insulto che puoi esprimere verso chi cerca nello scontro l'attenzione che la vita gli ha negato è l'indifferenza
Viimeisimmän lintusomen yskähdyksen aikana (vain) yksi trololoo yritti seurata mutta näytti kyllästyvän aika äkkiä tähän menoon kun kukaan ei tarttunut täkyyn.
#alasyotatrolleja #dontfeedthetrolls
I have a confession to make… I like to listen to insane people discuss politics on youtube…
Anyways, is it just me, or do most of them take themselves WAY too seriously?
#jollybiscuit #politics #philosophy #philosopher #currentevents #discussion #debate #grifter #popculture #jordanpeterson #altright #chuds #dontfeedthetrolls #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
#jollybiscuit #politics #philosophy #philosopher #currentevents #discussion #debate #grifter #popculture #jordanpeterson #altright #chuds #dontfeedthetrolls #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
Don't feed the wildlife! Trolls are voracious; they will drain you and turn your views into polarised excrement. Remember, healthy debates thrive on respectful, evidence-based exchanges. #ProtectOnlineDiscourse #DontFeedTheTrolls #trolls #ignorance
#protectonlinediscourse #dontfeedthetrolls #trolls #ignorance
This is your daily reminder not to argue with trolls.
Over the past few years, it seems like these accounts are more prevalent, especially where it pertains to disinformation narratives that create conflict among and between communities of color. I don't think that's a coincidence.
@rcade @tchambers anybody know if there is a bot on here that shows what he’s doing/saying over there? I really don’t want to give him the engagement. After all, I’m so old I remember #dontfeedthetrolls
@Cyb3rrunn3r @wolfiii @AnonNewsDE
Wie jetzt? Du besitzt kein weltumspannendes Kommunikationssatellitennetzwerk, das du der Ukraine bereitstellen könntest? Schäm' dich!
Glad to see though my Millennial friends are starting to move into their responding to memes and nonsense as if they're the truth era, though. #DontFeedTheTrolls
Der Artikel gibt beachtenswerte Ratschläge u.a. zum Thema #Dontfeedthetrolls. Der Begleittext ist etwas missverständlich. Der Artikel ist #lesenswert.
Dank an @Volksverpetzer
#lesenswert #dontfeedthetrolls
I hate it when people act stupid on purpose just to piss you off. #dontfeedthetrolls
Narrator: "And at some point along the way, in so subtle a manner and ever so gradual a degeneracy it was scarcely noted by anyone at all....we had collectively forgotten the number one rule of social media."
Narrator: "And at some point along the way, in so subtle a manner and ever so gradual a degeneracy it was scarcely noted by anyone at all....we had collectively forgotten the number one rule of social media."
Seen my first #AngryFormerTwitterTroll post earlier so I feel it my duty to remind people, just as it was there so it should be here #DontFeedTheTrolls
#angryformertwittertroll #dontfeedthetrolls
Because who gives a sh** about Elon Musk? I'd be going with a different hashtag.
Was glaubst du, wozu es Inhaltswarnungen gibt, du Pinsel?