Gut😈 dann nennen wir das vielleicht in ein .
Kennt Ihr auch die Leute, die hier voll alternativ sind und "nur Bio kaufen", aber dann Nix dabei finden, "e nur eins bis zwei mal im Jahr" nach Tibet zu jetten?
Solche gehen mir echt voll auf den Keks❗

#zukunft #klimaloch #gutflieger #dontfly

Last updated 1 year ago

Brian Hawthorne · @bhawthorne
372 followers · 153 posts · Server

@bloor Unfortunately, a website which wasn’t total shit would too easily expose the utter shit business model of their industry.
“Our goal is to make as much money off you as possible, by creating artificial scarcity in fares, unbundling everything we can, abusing our employees, and providing the bare minimum of comfort or safety allowed, all while spewing four times as much carbon into the atmosphere as rail travel.”
Let me know when they start building solar-powered airships and I’ll fly again.


Last updated 1 year ago

Babu Menos · @babumenos
456 followers · 1234 posts · Server
Babu Menos · @babumenos
438 followers · 1071 posts · Server