RT @pascoesabido
While Europe's political leaders try and distract the public with talk of #greenhydrogen in Namibia (a REALLY bad idea), @Shell gets on with real business: drilling for oil&gas off the coast.
@DontGasAfrica https://twitter.com/shellslies/status/1647166202446499840
RT @gastivists
‘Africa will not be Europe’s gas station!’
Last week @DontGasAfrica joined @BlockGas, @BlackEarthBer & more in Vienna to fight the racist, neocolonial dash for gas from European companies & politicians. See thread for more #BlockGas #DontGasAfrica
📷 Bianka Csenki
sorry bird site copy, spread this:
💥 Activists disrupted the secret & highly securitised #EuropeanGasConference gala dinner with a VIP list inc @Shell
to expose the RACISM and VIOLENCE of their corruption!
#AtWhatCost #DontGasAfrica #WeSmellCorruption
#wesmellcorruption #dontgasafrica #atwhatcost #europeangasconference
RT @WeSmellGas
+++ BREAKING +++
💥 Activists disrupted the secret & highly securitised #EuropeanGasConference gala dinner with a VIP list inc @Shell @TotalEnergies @EU_Commission @BlackRock to expose the RACISM and VIOLENCE of their corruption!
#europeangasconference #atwhatcost #dontgasafrica #wesmellcorruption
RT @WeSmellGas: +++ BREAKING +++
💥 Activists disrupted the secret & highly securitised #EuropeanGasConference gala dinner with a VIP list inc @Shell @TotalEnergies @EU_Commission @BlackRock to expose the RACISM and VIOLENCE of their corruption!
#AtWhatCost #DontGasAfrica #WeSmellCorruption
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Left_EU/status/1641054087889268737
#EuropeanGasConference #AtWhatCost #dontgasafrica #WeSmellCorruption
Starkes Ding @WeSmellGas 🔥
In Hinterzimmer einschleusen finden wir immer gut!🙌
#ZukunftoderGas #blockgas #klimawandel
RT @WeSmellGas
+++ BREAKING +++
💥 Activists disrupted the secret & highly securitised #EuropeanGasConference gala dinner with a VIP list inc @Shell @TotalEnergies @EU_Commission @BlackRock to expose the RACISM and VIOLENCE of their corruption!
#AtWhatCost #DontGasAfrica #WeSmellCorruption
#ZukunftOderGas #BlockGas #klimawandel #europeangasconference #AtWhatCost #dontgasafrica #wesmellcorruption
RT @WeSmellGas
Why should African nations pay the COST of Euopean imperial greed?
Why should working-class Europeans enter poverty in their millions while an elite few rake in record-breaking bonuses?
This is racism. This is corruption. #DontGasAfrica. We demand justice.
RT @WeSmellGas
📢 Another speaker stood:
“Your gas and hydrogen plans abuse racist, neocolonial relations! While you steal our #JustTransition people PAY with their LIVES!”
They were also violently dragged while police forced filmers from the room...
#AtWhatCost #dontgasafrica #justtransition
😍😍😍 #powertothepeople #endgas
RT @WeSmellGas
+++ BREAKING +++
💥 Activists disrupted the secret & highly securitised #EuropeanGasConference gala dinner with a VIP list inc @Shell @TotalEnergies @EU_Commission @BlackRock to expose the RACISM and VIOLENCE of their corruption!
#AtWhatCost #DontGasAfrica #WeSmellCorruption
#powertothepeople #endgas #europeangasconference #atwhatcost #dontgasafrica #wesmellcorruption
RT @WeSmellGas
+++ BREAKING +++
💥 Activists disrupted the secret & highly securitised #EuropeanGasConference gala dinner with a VIP list inc @shell @TotalEnergies @EU_Commission @BlackRock to expose the RACISM and VIOLENCE of their corruption!
#wesmellcorruption #dontgasafrica #AtWhatCost #europeangasconference
RT @DontGasAfrica
Instead of real solutions, European decision-makers are fueling the gas industry in Africa. It’s time for a system change! Join us today at 5.30pm to oppose the #EuropeanGasConference and stand against energy colonialism. #DontGasAfrica
#dontgasafrica #europeangasconference
Die Polizei habe Demonstrierende eingekesselt, sei „sehr aggressiv“ vorgegangen und habe „unverhältnismäßig Pfefferspray und Schlagstöcke eingesetzt“, schrieb Amnesty International Österreich.
Die Behauptung der Polizei, Demonstrierende hätten strafbare Handlungen gegen den öffentlichen Frieden gesetzt, könne „von uns nicht nachvollzogen werden“.
#polizeigewalt #powertothepeople #BlockGas #dontgasafrica
RT @DontGasAfrica
The #EuropeanGasConference represents a systematic plan to lock Africa into a fossil fuel future. We say NO!
Africa’s resources cannot be decided on behalf of Africa while she is not present. #DontGasAfrica
@gastivists @block_gas @Artivistnet @TheGreenConnect @CtxRebellion
#europeangasconference #dontgasafrica
RT @DontGasAfrica
Gas is not clean.
Gas is not green.
Africa wants renewable energy.
#europeangasconference #dontgasafrica
RT @DontGasAfrica
The #EuropeanGasConference represents a systematic plan to lock Africa into a fossil fuel future. We say NO!
Africa’s resources cannot be decided on behalf of Africa while she is not present. #DontGasAfrica
@gastivists @block_gas @Artivistnet @TheGreenConnect @CtxRebellion
#europeangasconference #dontgasafrica
Brecht die Macht der Lobbys und Konzerne!
CN: Polizeigewalt
Massiver Pfeffersprayeinsatz bei den Blockaden und jetzt werden die Aktivisti mit Hamburger Gittern eingesperrt.
Ihr könnt uns pfeffern und eingittern- aber unseren Widerstand könnt ihr nicht brechen!
#Fracking Delegates from the pan-African coalition #DontGasAfrica will be coming to #Vienna this weekend for the Power to the People Summit. They are specifically coming to build connections and international solidarity with European activists to fight the
#Europe-#Africa #gas industry connections. Their website:
#fracking #dontgasafrica #Vienna #europe #africa #Gas
RT @DontGasAfrica
📢Fossil fuel productions ARE NOT for communities. They benefit big corporations.
African governments MUST push for their people’s benefits and not oil firms.
Say no to energy system capture and energy colonialism!!
At #AUSummit, Africa’s leaders must speak with a common voice and:
🔥Call out claims that gas is a clean fuel
🌍Label gas what it is... a dangerous distraction for Africa
🌞Call for rapid transition to people-centered,clean energy
RT @PowerShftAfrica@twitter.com
Experience shows that oil, coal, and gas extraction in Africa has failed to deliver the often-promised revenue, jobs and energy access. Rather it has fuelled displacements, dispossession, and loss of livelihoods for the affected communities.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PowerShftAfrica/status/1608444747080663040