Sure it's easy to say that but I don't see anybody doing it. And when the parents don't know so they can teach, then by the time (now!) the ones who do know are dead or have just given up on #users (with good cause I might add)... 🤷
#donthatemebecauseimcynical #users
No no no, this isn't s "finally" situation. HRB & QB have sunk BANK into preventing this. What happened? Where's the money coming from that caused this to happen and what's it attached to?
#DontHateMeBecauseImCynical #FollowTheMoney #TooGoodToBeTrue
#toogoodtobetrue #followthemoney #donthatemebecauseimcynical
The govt wants to save me from TikTok, therefore I use TikTok. 🤣 I only use Facebook for very specific things and yeah I cringed when I saw links to it too. I'll look at anything though and see trends and look up what I can but to be honest, I don't really consider ANYONE to be a "reputable source". #DontHateMeBecauseImCynical
If hate and disinformation are being promoted to bestseller lists by the platform, the platform is not performing as expected, unless it was expressly built that way, and I don't think it was. When there were only, let's say, 10 people on substack, the concept worked fine. I've come to believe nothing works at scale when people are involved. Just look at the planet.
@silke @atomicpoet I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that emerging countries who use Facebook *as* the Internet are probably very aware of that fact, whereas my snark was aimed at middle America, given all the available tools and education have absolutely no clue of the basic basics of how the Internet works and that Facebook is not it.
#fromexperiencenottheory #donthatemebecauseimcynical